In today’s time every workplace is getting installed with visitor management solutions, then why not gyms. But before having management solutions for gyms you should know what type of features they should have. So, through the help of this article, you are going to know about the best features that gym check-in solutions should offer. Have a look to have detailed information about all this:

Evaluating Ease of Use and Data Access- The gym sign in app should have a feature of streamlining the check-in of members. Furthermore, it should save information of members very much safely and securely. The information stored should be maintained properly without making any confusion. The gym management solutions should simplify the staff training with easy to see graphics, oversized fonts, good designs any many more. Hence, this is the first and most important feature that a gym check-in software should have.

Gym Check-in Reports- One of the best features of visitor management solutions is this. So before getting installed with the solution, you should check out for this feature. There are nine core reports that every management solution should save in them. Let’s have a look at these nine core reports:

  1. No Entry Log
  2. Visits Report
  3. No Entry Report
  4. Message Report
  5. Visits Count
  6. Visits Graph
  7. Locker Report
  8. Visits Log
  9. Guest Visit Report

Having these all the nine core reports in management solutions will help you in saving all the different types of data maintained at gyms. Hence, if the management solution you selected is having this feature then that one is perfect for you.

Thermal Screening- During the pandemic outbreak of COVID, it is very much for workplaces to have management solutions that can check temperatures. This is because checking down the temperature of the visitors will help in knowing if the person you are coming in contact with is okay or not. In case, the temperature of the person is above normal, then the alert should be made. Ergo, this is one of the most important features during the pandemic. If your solution is having this feature then that is the perfect gym check in software free for you.

Facial Recognition- If you are thinking to have an visitor management solution for your gym, then you should check for this feature. This is a feature through which you can scan and verify the person entering your place. Moreover, it should scanning the visitor without coming in contact. So, if your selected solution is having this feature then this is the right one for you.

Sending Notifications- All the visitor’s management should have this feature. Because all the host bodies should know what is happening in their workplace and what not? Moreover, this will provide an extra security layer to your gym. In case of emergencies also, this feature will help you a lot. So, if your selected software is having this feature, then this is the right one for your place.

Therefore, here is all, these are the features that gym check-in software should have. Hence, all businesses and workplaces should get installed with this system because it will help a lot during this pandemic. To clear out any queries regarding management solutions let us know.