Pregnancy is quite a tough and stressful period for women who are expecting a baby. The nine months from time of conception to childbirth can be physically, emotionally, and mentally quite hard on the woman. Pregnancy is natural and every married woman who wishes to have a child has to go through this process. Pregnancy can be challenging for women who are having their first child as their bodies transform for the first time, but the birth of a second or third child is easy.

There are dozens of problems that pregnant women have to experience such as backaches, swollen ankles, lack of sleep, nausea, heartburn, urinary frequency, constipation, and varicose veins. The medical doctors ask pregnant women to consume a healthy diet and exercise according to their needs to reduce the stress and anxiety of pregnancy and childbirth. There are many easy and low impact physical workouts that women can perform, which includes walking, indoor cycling on a stationary bike, swimming, and low impact aerobics. Another very useful and valuable activity that can ensure the health of the mother and the developing child during pregnancy is yoga that helps a person to find the correct balance between body, mind, and breath.

If you are pregnant, then you may already have several bits of advice from your family members and friends on how to look after yourself. If you already exercise and have a passion for maintaining your health, then attending the yoga class would not be difficult for you. The yoga classes are offered in the nearest fitness and wellness centers and an expert yoga trainer conducts the class. If you are seasoned in yoga practice or new, it does not matter as prenatal yoga is the best way for you and the baby to stay fit. The relaxation, breathing, and concentration techniques considerably help pregnant women prepare for labor and childbirth. You should try to attend regular classes to reduce the discomforts and stress of pregnancy such as back pain, sleeplessness, swelling, anxiety, and heartburn.

The yoga class during pregnancy is called antenatal or prenatal yoga, and it includes stretching, focused breathing, and mental centering. Numerous studies suggest that prenatal yoga is safe and has several benefits. The prenatal yoga will not only help you cope with physical and mental changes, but the yoga activity will help you to get back into shape after childbirth quickly. The equilibrium of the body is done through physical postures, breathing, meditation, and reaction techniques. Most of the common activities in a typical yoga class are

  • Some easy exercises to warm the body
  • Doing open twists
  • Doing forward fold and backward bending
  • Relaxation and breathing

In the first class, the yoga trainer would first ask you about the stage of pregnancy you are in so that he can devise particular yoga practice and workout. There are usually three stages of pregnancy called trimesters. The first trimester is the period from the time of conception until Week 12. The second trimester is from Week 13 to Week 18, and the third trimester is from 29 till childbirth.

The antenatal yoga classes are best to develop the muscles in the body and increase stamina, which is needed for labor and childbirth. The pelvis, stomach and back muscles grow stronger, improve the balance and prepare the body for delivery. The yoga exercises help pregnant women to develop core muscle strength and help to reduce the discomfort during pregnancy which includes backaches, low energy levels, nausea, postural imbalance, and poor blood circulation. You will learn several new exercising routines that will help you during and even after pregnancy. Every yoga activity is purposefully designed to improve the wellbeing of pregnant women. The physical posture help to develop muscles in the body, the breathing techniques help to improve stamina, and relaxation and meditation help to reduce anxiety, and stress that comes as childbirth comes near.

The antenatal or prenatal yoga is necessary especially if you have your first baby. In the nine months, you will experience numerous physical, mental, and emotional changes which can be quite overwhelming but prenatal yoga can help you maintain your own and the baby’s health. The yoga trainers will modify the yoga techniques according to your trimester and you can always stop the exercise if you feel uncomfortable. The prenatal yoga classes are quite helpful in coping with changes but you need to ask your doctor or health provider before starting the yoga class. Each woman experiences pregnancy in a different way, and the doctor will be able to let you know what postures to avoid and the precautions necessary to avoid complications during pregnancy.

If you have never practiced yoga before then, you need to wait until your first scan, which usually happens between Week 12 to Week 14. The yoga workout can be tiring so you should always keep a water bottle and light snacks to fulfill your energy levels. In the third trimester, you need to be quite careful and select only simple postures and keep some cushion beside you to avoid any fall. The poses and postures that exert pressure on the abdominal muscles should be avoided. The benefits of antenatal yoga are

  • Improves your physical and mental wellbeing

The main purpose of performing prenatal yoga is to cope with the sudden physical and mental changes. The yoga postures and techniques allow to improve muscle function, enhance stamina, and prepare the body for labor and childbirth. The pressure on the joints is eased and back, abdominal, and pelvic muscles also relax and release tension.

  • Allows you to meet with other pregnant women

In the fitness center or gym, it is many pregnant women attend not only you but the prenatal classes. You can easily talk and connect with other pregnant women. You can share your pregnancy and get useful knowledge from women who are having their second or third child.

  • You can relax and find solitude

Apart from the physical changes, nearly all pregnant women feel stress which increases as the childbirth comes near. The relaxation and meditation in yoga classes help to relieve stress and anxiety. You can find inner calmness and the quiet surroundings will help you feel comfortable and also ensure good health for the baby.