For people in wheelchairs, the slope depends on the type of wheelchair used. Thus, a slope of 6 to 12% is recommended for manual wheelchairs in autonomy. If it is an assisted manual wheelchair, a slope of 12 to 20% is ideal.

For people in wheelchairs or using an electric scooter, accessing one’s own home, friends’ homes or public buildings is always an obstacle course. To live independently, portable access ramps are often adequate solutions. Companies offer a wide range of access ramps that can be used by people in wheelchairs or by their caregivers. The following tips will make choosing and buying your ramp easier.

Wide and foldable access ramps:

These are ramps that can be folded in 2 lengthwise, and can be transported like a suitcase. You will find them on our site under the name wide access ramp. Here are the advantages:

  • Easily transportable by the caregiver,
  • Low weight,
  • Some can be fixed to make a permanent ramp; use to be prohibited if this ramp hinders the main access to the house for able-bodied people,
  • Compatible with manual or electric wheelchairs or scooters,
  • Non-slip surface to prevent slips and falls, even in wet weather.

Telescopic ramps in pairs:

These telescopic ramps in pairs consist of 2 separate parts: one for each wheel of the wheelchair. Here are the advantages:

  • Adjustable length to match different heights of steps and various uses,
  • Easy to store in the house or in a car,
  • Telescopic, which makes them even easier to transport,
  • Can be used in an adapted vehicle,
  • The edges are relatively high to prevent the wheelchair from tipping over,

To take into consideration: The two parts of the ramp must be placed at the correct width for the passage of the wheelchair. This can be difficult for elderly or disabled caregivers.

Threshold ramps:

These threshold ramps can be used indoors or outdoors, to pass a door threshold.Here are the advantages:

  • Can allow different types of thresholds to be passed: entrance door, porches, patio or bay windows,
  • Smaller ramps may be suitable for passing small landings,
  • Some can be used only on one side of the threshold to make it easier for the wheelchair to climb onto the threshold,
  • May help avoid another indoor transfer to another wheelchair.

In general, choose the longest ramp possible. The slope will be less important and the ramp easier to climb.

Here are some benchmarks:

For manual wheelchairs:

  • The maximum recommended incline is 15%.
  • The length of your access ramp must be 7 x the height of the obstacle.
  • If you need to choose an access ramp for a person in a manual wheelchair in private accommodation, and the step you want to take is 40 cm high, you will need a 280 cm (7 x 40 cm) ramp.

For electric scooters, wheelchairs pushed by an attendant and for electric wheelchairs:

  • The maximum recommended incline is 20%.
  • The length of your access ramp should be 5 x the height of the obstacle.

If you need to choose an access ramp for one person in an electric wheelchair in private accommodation, and the step you want to take is 40 cm high, you will need a 200 cm (5 x 40 cm) ramp. You have a wide choice of access ramps to adapt your home to your needs. To help you choose the model of access ramp that suits you best, do not hesitate to consult the expert of the different access ramps.