Blood clotting allows the body to repair injured blood vessels. When damage to a blood vessel happens, platelets move swiftly to the problem area and form the first plug to slow loss of blood. The platelets are activated to release chemicals that induce the clotting process. Fibrin, a protein is released to form a mesh-like substance to make the final clot. This is a life-saving process but with a risk of the clots breaking away from the area of injury to other parts of the body. You are likely to end up with severe health issues.

Types of blood clots

Venous thrombus / thrombi

This is a blood clot that forms in a vein. Venous thrombi happen when immobilized inhibiting blood circulation. The condition results when muscles fail to contract and encourage the movement of blood to the heart. This encourages the stagnation of blood in particular areas. You are likely to notice tiny clumps forming and growing over time. As blood is restricted more, the clumps grow more and become more noticeable.
Staying bedridden or hospitalized for quite sometime after surgery or when sick encourages venous thrombi. The condition also results from sitting without moving for many hours. Always take breaks to stretch or move about when on a long trip or long overhaul flight. An injury that requires staying in one position or having a body part in a cast also encourages venous thrombi. Pregnant women might get this condition when the growing fetus obstructs blood flow to particular parts. Being hypercoagulable is a genetic condition where your blood coagulates much faster to form clots.

Arterial thrombi

These blood clots form in the arteries. Arterial thrombi don’t result from immobilization or injury. These result from fatty deposits building up in the arteries making them narrow and unable to allow efficient blood flow. Alternatively, arterial thrombus might result from a rupture where the clot forms at the site but ends up blocking circulation.

This is necessary if you have high blood pressure, diabetes, high cholesterol, a family history of circulatory problems, and smoke. Preventing the condition is likely to make you want to buy Eliquis online. This anticoagulation medication inhibits particular clotting proteins in the blood. Buying this online is convenient, cost-effective, and avoids long queues at the local drugstore.

Health issues from blood clotting

Heart attack

The presence of a blood clot in the vessels that lead to the heart muscle encourages a heart attack. This explains the variation in heart attack symptoms according to individuals. Some people experience crushing chest pain while others experience indigestion problems. Common symptoms that you are at risk of a heart attack include:

  • Anxiety
  • Tiredness
  • Insomnia
  • Dizziness
  • Clammy skin
  • Breathing trouble
  • Aching chest pain spreading to the back, jaw, or neck
  • Indigestion with nausea, heartburn, or pain
Deep Vein Thrombosis (DVT)

Formation of a blood clot in the deep veins causes deep vein thrombosis. This condition is common in the legs. It can happen without symptoms until you begin to become uncomfortable. Noticeable symptoms of deep vein thrombosis include pain at the calf resembling a charley horse, swelling, and skin changing to pale or a blue tint. Don’t hesitate to visit your doctor when you notice these symptoms.

Pulmonary embolism

Presence of a blood clot in one or both lungs causes pulmonary embolism. This condition comes with various symptoms. These vary according to clot size, lung affected, and your overall health. You can tell you have pulmonary embolism when having trouble breathing while resting or active. Worsening chest pain during coughing, deep breathing, or bending is a sign of pulmonary embolism.
Cough that comes with blood-tinged mucus is another symptom of the condition. This is a life-threatening condition that needs appropriate medication to manage with minimal effects. Some minor symptoms of pulmonary embolism include

  1. Wheezing
  2. Clamminess
  3. Swollen legs
  4. Excessive perspiration
  5. Feeling faint
  6. Irregular or weak pulse

A blood that travels to the brain leads to stroke. This serious condition makes brain tissue unable to receive oxygen making it die. Luckily, fatal strokes are no longer common today because of advanced medication that allows managing ill effects before it escalates. You can tell the risk of stroke when suddenly becoming dizzy and have problems balancing or trouble walking.

Failure to speak clearly suddenly or to understand conversations foretells a stroke. You might also experience vision changes in the right eye, paralysis on one side of your body, or excruciating pain. Prolonged exposure to stroke puts you at risk of brain damage and complications. So, noticing the symptoms early and getting appropriate medication is very important.

Bottom line

Blood clots put your line on the line. It is important to look out for early signs to early getting appropriate medication in time. Managing blood clots early eliminates the discomforting symptoms and allows going about your regular duties without worry that your life is in danger.