Moroccan rugs are distinctive rugs with traditional and hand-woven designs and patterns from Morocco. Morrocan rugs are trending in Sydney since the last few decades. Tribal people of Morocco weave these traditional rugs to keep the houses warm in cold weather (heavy-piled) or feel cool in areas with relatively hot climate (light-piled). These rugs are styled and designed in many different ways, which make them look beautiful, and their beauty adds to the appearance of the house. Every carpet is delicate and unique; hence, it needs special care and proper maintenance. Regular cleaning is the key to prolong the life of these rugs. This article lists a few tips that will help you clean your Moroccan rugs with utmost care.

  • Regular vacuuming is essential as it helps remove the dirt and dust that roll over the rug. Remember to vacuum the carpet from both sides and use the suction-only function of the vacuum cleaner.
  • Avoid spilling liquids or staining the rug. If there are stains, then immediately wipe them out with a damp cloth or paper towel. If the stain is hard to remove, use a mild detergent or soapy water and gently rub the stained portion of the rug. 
  • If you decide to wash the rug with water, then use only a minimum amount as too much water might leave water patches on it. 
  • Do not dry a rug under direct sunlight. Sunlight ruins the shades of the carpet, which makes it look faded. Also, do not place the mat in an area with bright sun rays. 
  • Opt for frequent professional cleaning. Many professionals offer Moroccan rug cleaning services in Sydney. They are experts with years of cleaning experience and can effortlessly identify the materials and designs used to weave the rugs. Their services are up to date form the very scratch. They would help you get rid of stains that are hard to remove and also give restoration to the faded or damaged parts of the rug. With their help, you don’t have to worry about further damages to the carpet as they are always careful while cleaning them. Additionally, their services are less time consuming and less expensive.
  • Lastly, avoid wearing shoes on the Moroccan rug as they bring in sticky dirt that might ruin the rug fibers. It becomes very challenging to remove that dirt and the shoe marks from the carpet.


Moroccan rugs require special attention while cleaning as they are hand-woven, and their threads might shred if scrubbed. Clean rugs create a great impression on the visitors, especially when you have distinctive Moroccan rugs. So these tips, if executed correctly, protect the carpet from weathering and help increase the lifespan of your rug, and also make your house appear prettier.