There are several general approaches to pest control management. Most specific insect control methods can be classified into the following major categories: physical control, mechanical control, biological control, and chemical control. Not every method is as appropriate or useful for the surrounding. These methods will modify the standard farming or gardening practices to avoid pests and make the environment less favorable for them.

Physical Control Method

  • This method helps in physically keeping pests away from reaching their hosts. Barriers include windows for keeping pests out of the buildings and plant pests out to keep cutworms from attacking plants such as tomatoes and other shrubs.
  • Various types of traps can be used for monitoring and control, such as glue board traps in homes or red sphere traps for apple insects.
  • Codling moth larvae can be trapped under cardboard bands wrapped around apple trees for removing and destroying pests. Trapping must be evaluated for controlling the pest situation.

Mechanical Control Methods

  • Mechanical control methods directly remove or kill pests by attacking upon them. This method can be rapid and highly effective, and many are well suited for small pests and their vast group problems.
  • Importantly, mechanical control has relatively little impact on the beneficial natural enemies of pests and other non-target organisms as well and is therefore well suited for use with biological control in integrated pest control methods.

Biological Control Methods

  • Many centuries ago few farmers have observed that ants were helping to control infectious pests for their crops by feeding on caterpillars, beetles, and leaf-feeding bugs, and from then biological control method arises.
  • They also invented many ways to help the ants move easily from tree to tree just to biologically clean the pests from the plant.
  • These efforts are to increase the numbers of ants in the orchard and to heighten their efficiency as predators are the first recorded occurrence of biological control of insects.
  • Predators may be insects or other insectivorous animals, each of which consumes many insect prey during its lifetime, and it is better for controlling a pest.
  • Conservation of natural enemies decreases the effectiveness of natural enemies through farming and gardening practices that provide necessary resources for their survival and protect them from toxins and other adverse conditions.

Chemical Control Methods

  • This method involves the use of chemicals to kill pests or to inhibit their feeding, mating, or other essential behaviors.
  • The chemicals used in chemical control can be natural products, synthesized versions of natural products, or completely synthetic materials.
  • Repellants are not usually toxic to insects, but interfere with their normal behavior and thereby keep the insects from causing major damage.
  • Mothballs and mosquito repellents are familiar with examples of chemical products used for pest control prevention and termite treatment methods.
  • Many of these kinds of behavioral chemicals instantly get washed away and must be reapplied frequently, used in an enclosed area, or formulated to release slowly over a long period of time.
  • Chemical controls, particularly synthetic organic insecticides, have been developed for nearly every breed of pest. These chemicals are widely used in industrialized nations for several reasons for being highly effective.
  • Chemical pesticides have been very important in the battle against disease-carrying insects.

Choose wisely the above-mentioned methods and ask for the help of the experts for getting instant services for the pest attack.