Most homeowners currently prefer asphalt paving because of the benefits it offers. Asphalt paving is strong, simple, and quick to assemble. It is also a cost-effective. When paving your driveway or parking lot, you need to hire a qualified and experienced paving contractor to perform the task.

There are a number of things that you should look for when hiring a paving contractor for your residential paving needs. These things include:

  1. Years of experience

You should know the number of years the paving contractor has been in the industry before you hire them. A more experienced contractor will deliver high-quality results. The installation crew must also have experience.

Some of the questions you can ask the contractor include the type of traffic control they intend to implement, what type of asphalt mix they will use, the local laws regarding heavy truck and machinery, etc. If the contractor cannot give you answers to these questions, look for another one.

  1. Reputation

Word of mouth is still the most form of advertising for contracting firms. It also helps people to choose carefully. When looking for a paving company or comparing the various quotes you have received, check the contractor’s reputation in the locality.

When checking their website, check out how long the company has been operating, check any list of references, and any project that they have done in your neighborhood. These questions will help you get a rough idea of the reputation of the contractor.

  1. Material selection

Not all asphalt is created the same. Since asphalt can be recycled over and over again, it comes in different grades; each with different percentages of recycled material in them. Using low-quality can affect the appearance and durability of your asphalt pavement. The contractor should use high-grade asphalt since it contains less recycled materials.

  1. The equipment they intend to use

Before you hire a paving contractor, ask them the type of equipment they intend to use. If they are going to use machines that frequently break down, your paving project is more likely to delay. Since asphalt tends to cool fast, waiting for too long for it to be installed can affect the look of the pavement or parking lot once it is finished.

You should also avoid paving contractors who say they can do asphalt paving by hand. The use of paving machines is costly but it is efficient and delivers high-quality results. So don’t waste your time on contractors who promise to get same efficiency and quality results using their hands.

  1. A proper quote

The paving contractor you choose should be able to give you an accurate quote that details everything included in your project and the total cost of the project. Ensure that the quote includes all the work to be done and how much you will be charged. You don’t want a scenario where you will be caught off guard with charges for work that was not discussed with you.

  1. Insurance coverage

Most contractors who aren’t insured usually give a lower price. So in case of an accident, your homeowner’s policy may be used. That’s why before you hire the contractor; you should ask if he is insured to help you avoid any hidden fee.