There may be a good number of details that encompass a funeral service, and if you are planning one for your loved one, it can undoubtedly be a challenge to remember all these details and make sure everything goes as smoothly as possible. Your loved one’s funeral will, after all, be a tribute and memorial to their life, and if they have specific wishes, you may have to take these into account. But you can always seek professional help from a funeral director, and they can guide you on the logistical and practical preparations as well as give you emotional support. But what other details encompass a funeral service, and what should you know about the specifics such as poems, eulogies, prayers, and music? Here’s what you should remember.


Music will always be seen as an integral part of a funeral service, and nowadays, it can be chosen as a reflection of the personality of the deceased. You have many choices, from organ music to classic rock and modern hits, and you can even include music choices that showcase the person’s humour. Your funeral director can help arrange for a choir, an organist, or choose recorded music from a playlist, and you can opt for friends who are singers or musicians to play as well. Professional musicians such as bagpipe players and harpists are also popular choices. If the service is taking place at a place of worship or church, you may have various restrictions on the kind of music you can play, but in general, most kinds of music will be allowed as long as it is not offensive or anti-religious.


A eulogy is a special speech that is given at a person’s funeral, and it honours the deceased’s life. While a celebrant or religious minister can address the mourners with special words, a personal eulogy is also usually included and given by a family member or close friend of the deceased. Eulogies can differ depending on their style and tone, and if you are the one making the decision regarding who should give it, think about those who knew the person well. You can choose more than one person to give eulogies, but keep the time limit at the venue in mind. You can talk about all of this with your funeral director, such as funeral directors in Leeds from Carroll & Carroll Independent Funeral Services, and don’t be afraid of making specific requests or requests that may seem out of the ordinary – they are well-versed regarding different requests and may be able to fulfil them as well.

Poems, readings, and prayers

Poems and readings are usually short, and they can convey different thoughts on life, loss, and death. You can choose them depending on their meaning and association with the deceased. Family and friends can read poems and do readings, allowing them to play a role in the funeral. If it is a religious funeral, you can have readings from scripture, and these can also highlight the person’s beliefs regarding the afterlife and death.

Prayers can also be included, and although they may already be part of a religious service, your minister can recommend special prayers as well. You may have a personal prayer you would like to share, or you can choose to share a favourite prayer of your loved one.