Construction sites are full of hazards and most accidents with workers are with their hands. More than a million construction workers face hand injuries of some kind every year and need to be carried to ER. And statistics say that 70% of those injuries are caused for not wearing gloves and the rest of 30% by wearing ill-fitting or improper gloves.

So, we see that gloves are mighty important tools to protect your hands from the hazards that a construction site has in store for you. Safety gloves for construction are the only thing standing between you and a hand injury. Also, you need to wear the right type of gloves to make sure your hands are protected.

Typical Injuries in Construction

Construction workers have to work with heavy machinery and lots of loads, due to which, hand injuries are common. But they can be avoided if you wear the right type of glove. Selecting the correct safety glove will allow you to avoid these injuries:

  • Cuts and scrapes
  • Extreme heat or cold
  • Puncture wounds
  • Damage due to biological agents like bacteria and viruses
  • Needlestick injuries
  • Heat and chemical burns
  • Loss of finger, nail, skin

Choosing the Right Glove

There are several types of hazards that a construction worker’s hands are exposed to. There are threats like chemicals, abrasive materials, and others, that a worker’s hands are always exposed to. But thankfully, some gloves can act as good protection from these substances and the hazards they can cause. Let’s take a look at some of the types of gloves available.

  • Cotton and fabric gloves: This is the simplest type of gloves that helps in protecting your hands against minor cuts and abrasions. They also keep your hands clean but they are not suitable for the majority of construction work.
  • Coated fabric gloves: These types of gloves offers protection against some moderate liquids and chemicals.
  • Rubber or synthetic gloves: These types of gloves offer good protection against oils, solvents, and other chemicals.
  • Leather gloves: Gloves made of leather are one of the most versatile types of gloves available. They protect your hands from heat, cuts, and abrasion. And for that, they are perfect for welding and general construction.
  • Kevlar gloves: These types of gloves are cut and abrasion-resistant and thus they have a wide variety of industrial applications. They protect your hands from both heat and cold.
  • Chemical resistant gloves: These type of gloves protects your hands against various types of liquids and chemicals.

Choosing the right glove depends on what function they would be used for. However, if a site has more than one threat identified, then it may be necessary to have more than one type of glove in your toolbox.

Choosing the Right Fit

Once you have identified what type of gloves you’ll be needing, now you have to find a pair that fits right. A poorly fitting glove can give rise to more injuries than no glove at all. Moreover, a glove that is not fitting properly, takes away from the dexterity, and limits the movements of a worker’s hands.

As mentioned earlier, 30% of injuries take place due to poor fitting gloves and you don’t want to be one of the million workers taken to the ER. A construction worker has a lot to do with their hands and a full range of motion is required. A poorly fitting glove will restrict the motion and be uncomfortable. So, it will slow down the work and can even account for hand injuries.

So, you always need to find the right fitting safety gloves for construction for maintaining the workflow and protecting your hands at the same time.