What are my favorite personal finance blogs?
I realized I didn’t know how to give an immediate answer and I had to work a little to indicate 11 MONEY BLOGs that I like with teckhustlers.
This largely depends on the fact that today the blog, as a communication tool, has lost some of its extraordinary initial success because:
- The information you acquire in many other ways sometimes more immediate (Facebook, Snapchat, Telegram, Youtube, newsletters, podcasts, webinars, …);
- many blogs are difficult to find because they are penalized in searches, compared to sites that invest in advertising and SEO.
Blogs are beautiful if read consistently because they tell you a story with a logical thread and all the developments and evolutions.
That’s why I will keep this list updated and give visibility to all those who want to be advertised here, as long as they publish quality content in the personal finance field.
Here is the list, not necessarily in order of preference:
# 1 – I will teach you to be rich (ENG) – the blog of Ramith Sethi, an American of Indian origin who at the time of Stanford University started a personal finance blog that today is much more than a blog about how to get rich and is a benchmark among personal, financial and business development sites.
# 2 – Effectively (ITA) – Andrea Giuliodori is the one who every Monday gives me the charge with his newsletter to manage the stresses of the working week. Effectively it is not a personal finance site, it is written by an engineer and I would categorize it among blogs on personal growth and development. I linked you to the section dedicated to money, which is rich and interesting. Hidden gem!
# 3 – Rockstarfinance (ENG) – in this case, we have to say that the blog name is really cool. This is not a real blog, but a collection of mind-blowing personal finance articles that appear on various blogs. Top of the range! # 4 – Four Pillar Freedom (ENG) – if you love numbers, statistics and graphs you will be fascinated by Zach’s blog that focuses on original and data-rich articles. For some time he has also had an alternative project Collecting Wisdom, a daily collection of the best personal finance articles in English.
# 5 – Get Rich Slowly (ENG) – a blog by JD Roth famous for being the founder of the most famous American personal finance blog. As for JD, I appreciate the fact that he always puts his face in what he does and that he talks about his life through ups and downs even in the financial field. An institution. # 6 – Stop working (ITA) – Francesco Narmenni’s blog tells the life of Francesco who chose to live with less, following the path of happy degrowth, self-production, and a new approach to work. Definitely a site to read and an experience to learn from. I also talked about it here. Thorough!
# 7 – Mr. Money Mustache (ENG) – a blog about frugality and the possibility of retiring young by spending between 50 and 75% less than what you spend now. Frugal!
# 8 – Financial Samurai (ENG) – a really interesting American money blog that I discovered while writing this article. Also useful is the guide on how to open a blog and how much you can earn with a blog. To be explored!
# 9 – Business Insider (ITA) – it is not a blog but it is a magazine that often also reports articles on how to earn, save, invest. The Italian edition has finally arrived, although I still prefer the American edition. A must!
# 10 – My Business (ITA) – Davide Marciano’s website is the right resource if you are looking for ideas or a guide to better manage your finances or a business. In-depth, full of free information. A point of reference in Italy.
I await the list of your favorite blogs! If you have come this far I ask you a favor, follow me on Facebook, by clicking like here on the right.