React JS is one of the most popular JavaScript libraries deployed to front-end web app development. React JS is known for its massive toolsets and libraries that enhance development teams’ productivity and efficiency. So if you are starting on a React JS development project, knowing the best tools that React JS offers for web development is a good idea. 

While developing a React JS application, the add-on packages and tools play a pivotal role. This article is a rundown of the eleven best React JS tools needed for stellar app development. So without further ado, let’s get to it!

1. Reactide 

Reactide is the primary integrated development environment (IDE) for web app development. Reactide facilitates the instant opening of a React JSX file while rendering the project on your browser simultaneously. Acquiring feedback from the simulation running on the browser is also possible thanks to Reactide’s GUI controls. 

Features of Reactide 

  • Visibility
  • Hot reloads for modules
  • Sleek config
  • Cross-platform compatible terminal

2. React Cosmos 

React Cosmos is the perfect dev tool for building reusable components. This ReactJS tool enhances components by scanning them and allowing the developer to render them without composing commands for context, state, and props. React Cosmos offers developers a real-time, first-hand view of how the application is set to evolve while connecting with running instances. 

React Cosmos has surface dependencies and allows developers to discover component inputs resulting in better debugging and intuitive UIs. 

Features of React Cosmos 

  • Viability
  • Vast library

3. React Sight 

If you wish to visually represent your ReactJS app in the form of a flow chart, React Sight can help. With React Sight, you can make your application appear with live component hierarchies in a tree structure.  

React Sight works flawlessly with all JS libraries like redux, react-router, and react fiber. Developers can get links to the component mentioned in the tree structure simply by hovering on the nodes. 

Features of React Sight 

  • Open-source
  • Enhanced speed
  • No installation 
  • Stock filters

4. Storybook 

Storybook is the ideal ReactJS tool if you desire rapid iterations and real-time testing of UI components. Storybook facilitates the visualization of every state of the app components, ensuring deeper testing of UI interactions. 

While working on Storybook, developers can visualize and test the app in a closed, isolated environment. This means that developers can tweak app components without the fear of breaking earlier code. The underlying concept of Storybook is enabling the creation of stories for button states. Storybook also fits seamlessly into existing testing workflows and integrates well with known testing tools like jest and enzyme while easing snapshot and interaction tests.

Features of Storybook 

  • Rapid setup
  • Strong UIs
  • Isolated component building
  • Add-ons for better UIs

5. CodeSandbox 

When speaking of the best online code editors, CodeSandbox is a strong contender. CodeSandbox is used to automate tasks like bundling, dependency bundling, and transpiring. With CodeSandbox, developers can create a new project in a single click while offering easy sharing via URLs. 

CodeSandbox sports a live preview feature that allows developers to view the code in real-time as they write it. CodeSandbox supports all NPM dependencies and offers deep insight into how a library is working. This code editor works well with all JS projects but has exclusive features set aside for React development. 

Features of CodeSandbox 

  • NPM 
  • Embedded
  • Live Collabs
  • File hosting (static)

6. React Developers Tools 

‘React developer Tools’ happens to be the most effective tool for debugging. The React Developers Tools library is open-source and facilitates viewing a React tree with details about state, component hierarchy, and props.

React Developer Tools is available for both Firefox and Chrome. With this browser extension, developers can debug components and gain support for React hooks, facilitating ease of feature usage in reactJS without creating a class. With effective filter mechanisms in place, React Developer Tools makes it easy to navigate through nested hierarchies.

Features of React Developers Tools 

  • Console interactions 
  • Tracking  
  • Source code views 
  • Great for debugging 

7. Evergreen 

Evergreen is an open-source JavaScript framework that facilitates the creation of flexible systems that can anticipate changes, doing away with (obsolete) fixed configurations. Evergreen is maintained by Segment and sports efficient React components while offering total control to the developer. 

In Evergreen, react components are built on a React UI, thus offering unlimited customization. A bonus of Evergreen is that it offers a comprehensive design language for web apps.  

Features of Evergreen React 

  • Great design 
  • detailed documentation
  • Flexible & customizable

8. Bit 

Modular software is a synonym of better software. Such software is easier and faster to create, offers easy testing, minimal maintenance, and effective collaboration. Bit is a collaborative open-source project that allows teams to share and handle multiple complex code components simultaneously easily. 

With Bit’s code sharing and code reusability, development efforts are simpler to maintain, resulting in faster development cycles. Yarn and NPM are used via a component hub allowing reusability of individual components. 

Features of Bit 

  • Eases component discovery
  • Easy component picking
  • Detailed extension and integration
  • Language agnostic

9. Phenomic 

Phenomic is deployed post-development. It helps developers produce files that can be put up for static hosting on HTML/CSS etc. This results in the creation of a website that sports rapid browsability and enhanced SEO friendliness. JavaScript files handle client-side navigations, and users can download necessary files without reloading the entire page.  

Features of Phenomic

  • Static files 
  • Post-development usage 
  • Easy browsing for web apps 
  • SEO ready sites 

10. Reactotron 

Reactotron is a desktop app that is deployed during the testing phase. IT can be used for both React Native as well as ReactJS testing procedures. Reactotron can be used in Linux, Windows as well as macOS. 

Features of Reactotron 

  • Platform agnostic 
  • ReactJS and React Native compatible 
  • Enhanced testing

11. Belle

Belle is a set of configurable React components. Its creator Nick Graf started to create a library with omnipotent components yet flexible usage rules. Belle is easy to use, has consistent and predictable behavior, sports encapsulated styles and themes, offers detailed feedback on interactions, and is well known for its high performance. 

Features of Belle 

  • Toggle 
  • Ratings 
  • ComboBox 
  • Button Selection 
  • Card selection 
  • Available as an NPM set


Choosing the right tool is essential for effective ReactJS development, and this choice should be made based on your unique business requirements. Hiring the right team of ReactJS developers with the required level of expertise for your project is equally important. 

Thanks to the tools and libraries mentioned above, React has blossomed into one of the foremost libraries for front-end developers looking to create a highly functional, feature-rich, and appealing UI. The ReactJS developer tools list increases every year, and the team at React endeavors to expand this list consistently to offer easier and more efficient development capabilities. 

If your next project requires creating a high-functioning web application, then using the aforementioned tools will help deliver a stellar end-product you can be proud of.