Youtube advertisements can be of three types, such as skippable, unskippable, and bumper. Each of these advertisements can offer different results. They also provide returns of various sorts as per ad spend. Nowadays, a number of advertisement companies are hiring SEO agencies for creating influential youtube advertisements. There is a good and famous SEO Agency in Delhi.

Ways to make advertisements unskippable

To make an advertisement engaging, some specific factors need to be considered. Here are six ideas that can make an advertisement engaging.

  1. Enhancing the power of storytelling

Good storytelling is essential to make the audience watch an advertisement. Powerful storytelling can turn simple, ordinary things into engaging and interesting ones. In a short video, the whole concept can be conveyed through snippets. Those snippets should cover the entire message of the video.

  1. Emphasizing the key benefits

An advertisement needs to speak the language of its viewers or audiences. But the biggest perks should not be unveiled at the very beginning. Arrange the key benefits in order. The most interesting one should appear in the end. Therefore, there should exist a deliberate pace of the video. It would make the advertisement unskippable.

  1. Applying demonstration

People feel more engaged in videos that demonstrate a service or a product. It is wiser to offer a demo instead of telling about services or products. It allows viewers to know how and what it would be to use them.

  1. Exciting the pain points

Knowing and identifying the pain points of target audiences is essential for advertisers. It is also effective to understand their biggest challenges. The advertiser needs to make the ad video based on these factors. Once the advertisement can excite the pain points of audiences, it would not be skipped.

  1. Amusing and full of entertainment

In general, people get easily attracted to funny and humorous advertisements. They influence the audience more than a severe advertisement does. The content of a funny ad also can be remembered for long, rather than the serious one. Therefore, the advertisement needs to be full of entertainment. It may contain bits of fun and humor. Then it can amuse and engage a lot of viewers.

  1. Showing social proofs

Social proofs show the audience how others have been benefited from a service or a product. The proof can be presented in the form of feedback or testimonies. The figure could be a happy customer or client, or even some renowned public figure. This can make the service or the product more trustworthy. Besides, the number of satisfied consumers influences the audience too.


Youtube is a platform where everyone streams videos nowadays. Therefore, it has become a medium through which many target audiences can be attracted. Hence, making a creative, influential, and effective advertisement is necessary. For this purpose, several companies are looking to appoint SEO agencies. However, the most popular SEO Company in Delhi is TYC Communication.