One of the main drawbacks of notebook computers is that their batteries often do not last as long as possible. Running out of where you are looking for a socket to which you can plug your laptop is not very pleasant, which is why manufacturers invest in making batteries that last as long as possible.


Still, balancing performance with battery life is difficult, and we often receive a “low battery” warning earlier than we imagined. Here I’ll show you some tips about how to make a laptop battery last longer without having to change the way you use it drastically. Check it out below:


1. Reduce the screen brightness


This is perhaps the simplest tip: as with smartphones, the screen is a major contributor to notebooks’ energy consumption. If you need to save energy, simply dim the screen to a level just enough for you to see what you’re doing. Each notebook has its own keys to do this, but it is always possible also through Windows.


2. Lower the resolution


The comparison with cell phones also applies here: the higher the screen resolution, the more pixels it needs to process at a time and, with that, the more energy it uses. If you’re simply typing text, Full HD resolution won’t make much of a difference; so if you need to save battery, you can gain a few minutes of useful life just by decreasing the screen resolution. To make this, right-click on the desktop, select “Display settings”, then “Advanced display settings,” and then choose the resolution.


3. Don’t leave the screen on idly


Still talking about the screen: whenever it is lit without you being in front of it, it will be wasting battery. To avoid this waste, configure the screen to go out after the shortest possible downtime. To get this, right-click on the desktop, go to “Display settings”, then “Power and sleep,” and choose how long the screen takes to turn off when it is inactive.


4. Turn off (or lower) the sound

Like the screen, your computer’s sound also uses energy. If you are doing something that does not emit sound, mute the PC: it will not even dedicate energy to the sound circuits. If you need the sound, try to lower it to use less power on the speakers. Putting on headphones will also help reduce energy consumption and, consequently, make your battery last longer.


5. Turn off the keyboard lights


Does your notebook have illuminated keys? If so, know that they also use energy. If you are using your computer in a well-lit environment, this lighting is not necessary and will only use energy for nothing. Turn it off whenever possible using your computer’s specific key shortcut.


6. Use simpler apps when possible


Heavier programs, of course, use more battery than lighter programs, as they require more of the notebook hardware. Replacing them with simpler alternatives, therefore, will make your battery last longer. For example, if you’re typing text, try using Windows Notepad instead of Microsoft Word, if possible.


7. Do not open too many programs on your computer at the same time (especially if you don’t have a lot of RAM)


Naturally, opening many programs at the same time makes the computer work harder (and use more battery). But this is especially critical if you have little RAM. When the RAM is completely filled, the computer starts using the processor to switch between different program files, which causes the power consumption to increase even more. In addition to being better for your productivity, doing one task at a time will also make your notebook battery last longer. It will be great for business computing needs as well.


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