Breast cancer can sometimes spread from the breast to other body regions, most commonly the bones, lungs, liver, or brain. Breast cancer that has progressed to this stage is referred to as advanced breast cancer. It’s also known as metastatic disease or stage IV disease. It’s still breast cancer, and doctors treat it with breast cancer medications even if it’s in other places.

Advanced breast cancer is more common in women, but it can also strike men. It has the potential to flip anyone’s life upside down. Although there is no cure for the disease, there are therapies that can help you manage it. Furthermore, new treatments can help you feel better and, in many cases, live longer. Patients with advanced breast cancer can choose a cancer hospital in Chennai on Credihealth for cost-effective treatment.

What if diagnosed with advanced-stage breast cancer – 

Some women with advanced breast cancer may not show any signs or symptoms, but the majority do. The types of cancer you have are determined by the size of the tumor and the extent to which it has spread throughout your body. Cancer of the bones can be excruciating and might result in fractures. Tumors in the lungs might make it challenging to take a breath. Treatments are available to help alleviate these issues.

You undoubtedly have many questions when you find out you have advanced breast cancer, often known as metastatic or stage IV disease. That’s very understandable.

Advanced breast cancer treatment – The aim of treatment at the advanced stage is to prolong life while preserving a decent quality of life. Knowing about each of those treatment alternatives will help you be prepared to discuss the strategy your doctor advises. Keep in mind that each case is unique; therefore, your therapy may differ from that of another breast cancer patient. Cancer hospital in Chennai allows you to choose the best possible treatment depending on your stage and spread of breast cancer. You can also consult your breast cancer doctor in Chennai to determine which treatment option is best for you.

Surgery for breast cancer – Many women with breast cancer require surgery to remove the cancerous breast or breasts. In some circumstances, your doctor may advise surgery to remove a tumor that has spread to another organ. They usually suggest treatment if the spread of breast cancer is fairly restricted. Surgery may also be beneficial if you have persistent discomfort, a weak bone that must be stabilized, or another issue.

Radiation therapy – Radiation cannot be given to a previously treated breast. A radiation oncologist in Chennai may perform radiation to shrink different types of cancers. That include –  

  • Stop cancer growth and manage symptoms. For example, a tumor pressing on your spine could be radiated to make you more comfortable.
  • Control bleeding or discomfort from bone or liver cancer.

In certain cases, doctors employ “stereotactic” radiation to target specific areas of the liver or lungs.

Chemotherapy – Advanced breast cancer usually requires treatment. And it’ll be easier to handle than before. Cancer hospital in Chennai aims to manage cancer for as long as possible with minimal side effects.

Depending on your condition, your doctor may prescribe different chemo medicines. Some are medicines. Others require an IV in your arm.

Hormone Replacement Therapy –

If hormones like estrogen drive your cancer, you may require hormonal therapy. You and your doctor may be able to select from a variety of these medications. They can reduce the amount of estrogen produced by your body, preventing it from being used to feed your breast cancer.

Palliative care for advanced breast cancer – This treatment is a form of care for seriously unwell patients. Palliative care, among other things, focuses on your quality of life, comfort, pain control, and knowing your treatment choices. Palliative care can begin as soon as you are diagnosed and continue all the way to the end of your life. Cancer Hospitals in Chennai provide different types of palliative care for patients with six months or less life expectancy.

Chennai is home to several prominent oncology hospitals that provide palliative cancer care to all cancer patients. However, choosing the finest one among them all might be a difficult chore for a cancer patient. For successful breast cancer treatment, the finest cancer hospital in Chennai must have a good infrastructure, highly qualified and experienced cancer doctors, and cutting-edge technology.

A person must select a cancer center that is well-known for treating various forms of cancer. A renowned cancer hospital equipped with cutting-edge technology and staffed with the most excellent and experienced specialists in the field to handle all types of malignancies and provide the best care is the best option for your quality-of-life future.