There are different reasons why you should hire a software development service provider? In the last few recent years, the use of information and communication technologies has seriously developed in the world. With the global Covid-19 pandemic, the situation has even deepened, and almost every industry is ready to turn to technology and digital technologies.

The hardest part of this decision is choosing the right supplier that best suits your pocket and who in turn has the knowledge and experience necessary to design and develop systems that last over time, that can be continually updated and that bring success to your company.

In this sense, it is important to be able to adequately choose between an offshore, nearshore or onshore software development company.

nearshore software development

What is exactly onshore software development?

An onshore software company (view) assumes that both the supplier and the contractor are located in the same city, province, country or region.

Since they are geographically close, it is expected that they will also be close in terms of cultural issues such as language and characteristics; and organizational, such as time zone and means for integration into the workforce. Therefore, the main advantage of this type of contract is the convenience of communication.

In turn, the onshore option has some variations. There is some consensus that there are two possible models: on-site and off-site. The first assumes that the contract team works in the contractor’s offices. Offsite means that developers are working outside the contractor’s premises.

The disadvantage is that the cost of hiring this type of supplier is usually high and it is known that there are more affordable options in the global marketplace.

What Offshore Software Development Means: Features and Obstacles

An offshore supplier is one that is located in a country far from where the contractor resides. Recently, this type of recruitment has been increasing because it is a skilled workforce at a favorable price compared to recruitment on land.

This option is usually most recommended when the contractor has a tight budget. Offshore companies are generally considered to be those located in developing or underdeveloped countries in regions such as Africa or Asia.

The main obstacles to this type of contracting are: language, cultural codes, national laws and time differences. While technology can overcome these disadvantages, it must be considered that they are factors that slow down projects.

In terms of language and time differences, what usually happens is that it is difficult to find the perfect time to communicate, and the process of understanding is usually slow. It takes time and dedication to make the end product truly what the contractor wants.

In turn, cultural issues are added to these differences and the efforts of the parties to reach mutual understanding with each other, which also complicate understanding. All of this can lead to wear and tear on the bond, which, if not performed correctly, can cause discomfort and even lead to the parties wanting to end the employment relationship.

The legal aspect is also a determining factor in judging which type of company to hire, as not knowing the laws of the country where the product being developed will operate can lead to problems. At the very least, it will be necessary that the work is supervised by specialists, and this will increase the cost of the developed system.

What does the Nearshore mean?

Nearshore outsourcing is the type of contracting that has grown the most recently and is the most popular option because it combines the best of offshore with the best of onshore.

This option assumes that the alliance takes place between a contractor and a foreign supplier, but in a country with the same or a similar time zone. Thus, quality professionals are hired on a lower budget than hiring on land, overcoming the most difficult obstacle, which is communication.

By sharing a time zone or similar, the difficulty in finding contact points is reduced. Even in many cases, teams can travel to hold meetings without spending a fortune.

In nearshore hiring, since allied companies are located in nearby regions, it is common for them to process common cultural codes and even use the same language. These options are not minor. As we’ve seen, misunderstandings wear out connections and complicate the work itself.

For example, finding a nearshore software company allows you to find highly qualified hardware, at a convenient price compared to a national supplier, avoiding friction and language difficulties.