It is an agreeable thing to say that almost everyone that owns a car is concerned about keeping their car properly maintained and checking it up once in a while, though there might be only a few that actually do it. But with tyres and keeping them in a good condition, there are not many that care much about it.

Apart from purchasing your car tyres carefully and getting them perfectly fitted, you need to regularly follow up with the appropriate quality checks. This is not something trivial that you can just put off for later because a fault in your tyre or its alignments can make your vehicle more prone to road traffic accidents and compromise your safety as well. 

Here are a few things that you must know about extending the life of your vehicle tyres and maintaining their quality.

Check your alignments

Michelin Tyres Wrexham and several other well-known tyre centres offer expert advice and services in this aspect. If you have previous incidents of super quick-wear outs or stability issues with your vehicle, the alignment is probably the one responsible.

Seeking professional help regarding your wheel alignment is obviously superior to examining your vehicle on your own, considering the amount of training and experience they have.

Apart from ensuring safety and stability, fixing your alignment can improve the life of your tyres significantly. This is because a perfectly aligned system disperses the load on the vehicle equally, reducing the pressure faced by individual tyres and reducing the overall compression on your tyres. 

Inflation pressure

Maintaining an optimum tyre inflation pressure might be a massive contributing factor to all aspects of the vehicle including safety, performance, comfort, and fuel efficiency apart from protecting your tyres.Experts recommend checking the inflation pressure on all of your tyres at least every two or four weeks. They need to be checked frequently because even on average usage, your tyre inflation pressures tend to fall by a significant amount.

Your vehicle should have a printed explanation of the recommended inflation pressure to be maintained for the vehicle. This value is to be maintained as the standard when you fix up your inflation pressures because it is the ultimate value that has been specifically curated for your vehicle in order to provide the best possible performance.

Physical exam

Constantly keep an eye out for noticeable changes in the external aspects of your tyres. This can include:

  • Visible cracks and impacts

  • Faded tread marks

  • Bulging

  • Excess deflation

  • Imbalance between tyres

Apart from these signs, your vehicle must be having an inbuilt wear indicator at the sides of the rim, ideally at 1.6mm for most four-wheeled vehicles.

Drive mindfully

Maintaining a smooth drive throughout can prolong the life of your tyres by several folds. 

Changing your speeds instantly, without not properly building up to the desired speed is actually very hard on your wheels. This is because speeding messes with the rotations and spin on the tyre, thereby bringing out an unmatched number of rotations on all your wheels, ultimately resulting in excess wear out.

Apart from this, weather conditions can also affect the overall longevity of your tyres, especially if you do not have a suitable tyre fitted in your vehicle.


This refers to the set-up in your vehicle that maintains the balance between different tyres, that is between the two front tyres, and the pair in the front and those in the rear end.

Your axles are the main factors that maintain the stability of the vehicle and play the most significant role in load dispersion. As mentioned earlier, load distribution is a key factor as it directly reflects on the life of your tyres.

Lastly, tyre maintenance does not entirely concern only the tyres on your vehicle. In order to get the best out of your tyres, you are required to take good care of your vehicle as well. You can always reach out to professional Tyres Wrexham for any tyre-related queries and services.

However, you should also visit Johnny’s Garage to get your car tyres checked.