I am John. I am the host of the Mentor Nation podcast where we bring world class leaders, entrepreneurs, and people doing interesting things and we get them to mentor you by sharing their journeys, their stories, and their best advice. Think of it like having a personal mentor every week who is there to give you a tip, a kick or an aha moment so that you are more equipped in your success journey.

It’s 1994. Dating for many is harder than solving 2 Rubik’s cubes blindfolded. Even the idea of wanting to meet someone special creates a feeling of anxiety for so many because of the complications and unknown factors. Not for everyone of course, some get lucky and meet their significant other in school and skip right over the uncertainty, but for most….meeting someone wasn’t exactly easy. If you lived in a small town, questions would linger such as.. what if there aren’t many options? What if I can’t find someone that’s my type? Will I have to settle or move somewhere else? If I live in a big town, where do I even go if I want to meet someone? The club? A bar? The grocery store? Do I just hope that one my co-workers happen to be perfect and single? Then something incredible happened… kiss.com launched in 1994 and the famous match.com launched in 1995 that paved the way for dating to be changed forever. Today 1 in 3 marriages happen from meeting online and that number is growing at a staggering rate. What happened? Some genius used the power of technology to match people up with similar interests where they could create profiles and find potential candidates globally, and learn everything they need to know before meeting. They could see what they look like, what they enjoy doing and so much more with the click of a button. Welcome to the information age.

Why am I telling you this? Because finding mentors today seems to be just as hard as dating was in 1994. On one hand, we all know that having a mentor can save time, money, and energy. They are the ultimate shortcut to learning and can teach you valuable lessons before you learn on your own the hard way. On the other hand, where are you supposed to find one? Just like dating, some get lucky… They are born into a great family with a big network, and they have access to great mentors at any time. For most of us however, the only way to find a great mentor is
Know where to look
Know what to say
Learn how to develop the relationship and create a win-win
Is it worth it to learn these skills so that you can change your circle and your life? Of course! What if there was a better way though? What if there was a platform similar to match.com, but for learning instead?