Based on the 2010 Australian film of the same name by David Michôd, and developed by Jonathan Lisco, “Animal Kingdom” is an American drama television series that follows a 17-year-old boy, who, after the death of his mother, moves in with his estranged relatives, the Codys, a criminal family clan governed by a matriarch, Smurf, the first season of which aired on June 14, 2016. Check out here more.

The Fifth Season premiered on Sunday, July 11, 2021, at 9:00 P.M on TNT.

“Animal Kingdom” season five, Pope (Hatosy), Craig (Robson), Deran (Weary), and J (Cole) are still dealing with the fallout from the events surrounding Smurf’s death, including family members out for revenge. With their kingdom without a leader, the Codys struggle to maintain their fragile alliance and to see which of them will come out on top.

Meanwhile, they search for more information on Pamela Johnson whom Smurf made the beneficiary of her estate. And back in 1984, an increasingly volatile 29-year-old Smurf is forging her own path raising Pope and Julia and leading the charge on dangerous jobs with new and old friends.”