We tend to overlook the most basic conveniences of life in this age of smartwatches and home automation. However, it takes only a weekend camping trip for us to remember how wonderful simple things like running water and showers really are. There is no better feeling than washing off all the sweat, dirt, and campfire residue after a weekend of “roughing” it. Imagine how horrible people smelled 200-years ago. Particularly when bathing was considered a luxury for the wealthy. Luckily, every home now has a bath or a shower.

But do you know most of us do not come out clean after using a loo? A standard dry toilet paper is the culprit behind it. So it begs the question “how to clean yourself properly in the bathroom?” well, the answer rests with the toilet paper spray. A wet toilet paper spray offers a range of benefits. In case you don’t know about them, keep reading to come to terms with them:

  1. Toilet Paper Wipe Is Convenient

Toilet paper spray is a popular choice because of its convenience. These products can be found at your local drugstore. So much so, you can even order from the comfort of your home. All thanks to the ever-increasing mushrooming of online stores.

For women and men on the move, it is important to have the equivalent of a quick butt cleaner in a pocket or purse. Whatever the circumstances may be, being able to grab a toilet paper spray always adds up to your convenience.

  1. Toilet Paper Spray Is Easy To Use

There are no complicated instructions that you need to follow. You just need to take out the liquid from the bottle and pour it on the dry tissue. Once done, you are good to go to clean your butt. Make sure the toilet papers you use are not of poor quality because they can fall apart. The vast majority of wet toilet paper spray does not inflict any harm on the environment. This is one reason why toilet paper spray is particularly getting leverage in the young generation, which takes climate change very seriously.

  1. Wet Toilet Paper Spray Ensures Hygienic Cleaning

The tradition of cleaning up “down there”, is as old as the human race has been on this planet. Before toilet paper was invented in 1921, homo sapiens used newspapers, dried leaves, clay, and newspapers. Fortunately, we have multiple options today to wipe off our butts. But a majority of doctors believe that using toilet paper alone can lead to skin irritation. Not to mention plumbing issues.

On the other hand, if you apply toilet paper gel on the toilet paper and then clean your butts with it, you will be as hygienic as it gets. Most people agree that using wet toilet paper spray makes them feel better in comparison to using dry toilet paper and wet toilet paper wipes.

On top of it, the toilet paper sprays are thoroughly checked by dermatologists before they are launched in the market. So much so, most of the leading brands are paraben and alcohol-free.