Are you in your 30s? Does your skin look and feel different than what it used to in your 20s? You may have started noticing wrinkles and fine lines around your eyes or mouth.

We all want smooth, wrinkle-free skin and take preventative measures to avoid premature aging, like including collagen anti-wrinkle day creams in our skincare routine.

Make sure you understand what causes wrinkles and learn the myths from facts so that you know which products and services are worth your dollars.

What Causes Wrinkles?

Wrinkles, also known as rhytides, are a natural part of aging. As you grow older, the production of proteins – collagen and elastin – slows down, making your skin less damage-resistant and thinner. Add toxin build-up, environmental exposure, and dehydration, and the chances of developing pronounced wrinkles multiply.

Lifestyle choices, like minimal exercise and smoking, are contributing factors that speed premature aging.
What Steps Should You Take to Address this Skin Concern?

While there is no magic elixir that will make your wrinkles vanish overnight, there are effective ways to prevent skin damage, premature aging, and minimize fine lines.

Adopt a healthy lifestyle, keep yourself hydrated, and use the right skincare products like a collagen anti-wrinkle day cream for more youthful-looking skin.

Claraline by Dermaclara packs antioxidants, peptides, anti-inflammatory and anti-aging ingredients that reduce the appearance of wrinkles and fine lines, repair damaged skin, and provide a healthy dose of hydration to the skin.

Three Common Wrinkle-Related Myths

Let’s debunk common wrinkle myths.

Myth: You will develop wrinkles because both your parents have them.

Fact: You inherit your facial features and maybe your humor from your mom and dad, but genetics is not the first thing that should come to mind when you look at those wrinkles.

There are other impactful factors than genetics. For example, a significant proportion of visible skin changes is due to sun exposure, called photodamage.

The age you start developing wrinkles is not determined completely by genetics, so no need to declare skincare a lost cause. Starting a regimen early and staying consistent has positive effects on your skin’s appearance.

Myth: There’s a one-size-fits-all anti-aging skincare regimen.

Fact: The product that works for your friend, sister, mom may not give the results to you.

You need to keep some key factors in mind when choosing a skincare routine:

  • Don’t introduce multiple anti-aging products to your skin at the same time. It may cause skin irritation.
  • Give the routine a few weeks to show results.
  • Use products that pack ingredients like peptides and antioxidants.

Myth: Sunscreen is for sunny days.

Fact: It is important to apply sunscreen even when it is cloudy outside. The harmful UV rays can penetrate clouds.

Sunscreen is an effective anti-aging product. It provides protection from sun damage and reduces the chances of developing skin cancer. Spend on a sunscreen that provides UVA and UVB protection.

If you are looking for the best cleanser for red, irritated skin due to sun exposure, try Claraprep, a hydrating cream cleanser that is hypoallergenic and dermatologist tested.

Debunking these myths should help you take better care of your skin. Don’t forget to get proper sleep and avoid excessive sun exposure apart from committing to an anti-aging skincare routine.