Do you often get anxious? Are you feeling moody, agitated, stressed, and overwhelmed? Are you having difficulty relaxing and quieting your mind?

Well, you are not alone.

Nearly 13% or 2.4 million Australians aged 18 and over reported high levels of distress of some kind. In fact, this figure indicates that Australians are feeling more stressed than ever, thanks to a lack of sleep, work pressures, and social media. The number of stressed Aussies has spiked about a third to 4.9 million during the past decade.

At this point, you are desperately seeking relaxation or trying to calm down your mind. While there are many medications out there, there are some holistic and natural ways such as meditation and yoga to overcome distress.

One of the simple ways to attain relaxation and peace is using crystals.

Healing crystals help you relieve anxiety and minimize stress, fear, anxiety, worry, and panic attacks. They promote good energy flow and help you calm down and stay focused.

And here we have rounded up such crystals.


Amethyst is a natural calmer—it eases strain and stress, relaxes irritability, and minimizes mood swings, calm down rage, fear, anger, and anxiety. Moreover, it drives away grief, sadness and repels negativity. Amethyst promotes spiritual awareness, improves psychic abilities, and opens intuition.

Simply placing an Amethyst in your palm or keeping it in your room can unleash a sense of calmness and serenity. You can wear it to enjoy its calming energy all day long.

Blue Lace Agate:

Blue lace agate can be useful in stressful and tense situations, especially when you have to deal with communications issues in public speaking or confrontation. The calmness that blue lace agate creates will unleash authentic, insightful, and articulate communication.

After all, this star is known for calming nerves and soothing an overactive mind. It is the best crystal for relaxing and maintaining calm behaviour. Its properties are associated with the heart chakra that helps heal by activating our energy channels to unconditional love, the ultimate remedy for easing pain.

Rose Quartz:

Rose Quartz is one of the popular healing crystals for anxiety, thanks to its calming energy that helps you overcome worry and stress. This attractive pink translucent stone heals the heart. You can place it under your pillow to get healthy sleep, especially if you have anxiety-related insomnia. Or you can lay with the stone on your heart.


Rhodonite is known for its distinct pink or rose-red base colour, although stone featuring black and coloured veins is more sought after than the uniformly pink stones. It was given to the travellers in ancient times for increasing their heartbeat in case of a looming danger sensed.

Rhodonite balances emotions and promotes the brotherhood of humanity. Placing this stone around or wearing it unleashes relaxation and calmness, thereby making you feel secure and calmer. This is also a useful stone to overcome the emotional scars from one’s past. It heals deep emotional pain while offering a supportive energy to your soul.


Sodalite is often dubbed as the stone of peace. It can help us pacify the disturbed mind and relieve panic attacks. It is useful in balancing our emotions too. It activates self-confidence and self-expression, promoting a sense of calmness and helping us release anxiety, fears and tensions.

You can keep Sodalite in your bedroom or your pocket.

So these are some useful crystals for anxiety and stress. However, you are advised for a medical or psychological consultation if you have severe anxiety attacks or you become overly stressed. Crystals can only help you feel better.

They don’t address the underlying cause of stress.