What is IVF?

IVF represents In-Vitro Fertilization, which is a generally known helped conceptive strategy. It includes different advances, beginning from richness meds for quite a long time to help the ovaries of the patient produce a few eggs that are developed for preparation. To monitor the egg creation, customary ultrasounds or blood tests might be utilized to quantify the chemical levels. 

Best IVF centers in Kolkata 

1. Kolkata women’s clinic (Best IVF Centre in Kolkata)

The Kolkata women’s clinic is a renowned infertility clinic, which is popular for delivering success with the infertility treatments performed for the patients. It also ranks the number one list of best IVF centers in Kolkata. The Kolkata women’s clinic remains the first IVF center in 24 Parganas of Kolkata. Since 2002, the IVF center has been delivering its best quality services in the field of infertility and pregnancy care for women. Moreover, Kolkata women’s clinic Centre consists of a comprehensive range of treatments for both males and females under the same roof. They also aim at offering the treatment at a very reasonable IVF cost in Kolkata.

2. Chennai Fertility Centre, Kolkata (Best IVF Centre in Kolkata)

Chennai Fertility Centre is the best fertility center in Kolkata, which has treated several residents in India which brings new expectations for a not capable lady to consider for certain reasons. The Center offers individualized treatment in a warm, family-like climate where ripeness expert assists you with going through the fruitlessness treatment, towards an effective result. Infertility administrations incorporate IUI, IVF, ICSI, Assisted Hatching, Blastocyst Transfer, Embryo Freezing, Donor Egg, Donor Sperm are accessible here. Psychological advising is useful for patients to deal with the pressure in barrenness treatment. We assisted many couples in Kolkata to have their own child with effective IVF treatment. Our responsibility is to make your fantasies work out as expected in partaking in parenthood.

3. Indira IVF Kolkata (Best IVF Centre in Kolkata)

Indira IVF’s centre in Kolkata is having its gathering of in-house infertility informed authorities, clinical overseers, staff, and lab in Kolkata. Additionally, having an expansive database for supporter sperms or eggs. Accordingly, it is having the briefest holding up records across any excess IVF focuses in the country. First appearances Whenever you contact or basically visit the readiness place, carefully consider the way wherein you look and feel there similarly as much with regards to the manner in which the staff manages you. Make sure to ask anyway numerous requests as would be reasonable. So you are completely familiar with the fruitlessness treatment they are proposing. If possible, talk with some other IVF patients to look into their viewpoints of the rich spot. Each new IVF patient at the Indira IVF focus in Kolkata is encouraged to present requests. The counselors are totally qualified and gifted in noticing requests of any nature with respect to readiness and IVF

IVF Cost in Kolkata 

Whenever you are planning to opt for the treatment of IVF in Kolkata then there are certain things that you should keep in your mind. The first thing is how much is the IVF cost in Kolkata, India, the second thing is about the uncertainty of the IVF success rate, and last but not least is which will be the best IVF center. Usually, the cost of IVF treatment goes around 1.2 Lakh to about 3 Lakh in one cycle. We have a success rate of about 75% to 80% which is the highest among other centers. This is due to the best clinics and doctors who are helping their patients in a proper way. In the process of Vitro Fertilization, egg collection, fertilization, embryo development, embryo transfer, pregnancy, follow-ups are the basic steps required.

Factors affecting the cost of IVF treatment are mentioned below:-

  • Number of IVF cycles,
  • Age of your wife or female partner,
  • Rate of Testicular Sperm Aspiration,
  • Rate of Intracytoplasmic sperm injection,
  • Lab charges,
  • Cost of freezing the fertilized eggs,
  • Donor Embryos cost


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