What is laparoscopy?

Let us delve into the topic of laparoscopy from the beginning. It is a minimally invasive procedure, where the doctor or surgeon inserts a tiny instrument inside the abdomen, to look inside with the help of a laparoscope.

A very common method to perform certain surgeries on the patient such as appendix removal surgery, part of the intestine can also be removed with the help of laparoscopy. Female sterilization is done by the gynecologist in laparoscopy surgery in Moga

Unlike traditional technique, it is less invasive and more impressive, patients also feel less pain during the invasion.

Why do you need laparoscopy?

  • If you feel severe pain in your pelvic area, or suffer from chronic pain, a laparoscopy operation can help for it.

  • Notice a sudden lump in the area of the abdomen.

  • Women who have periods which is heavier than usual, or others must get laparoscopic surgery.

  • If you are having difficulties in conceiving, visit the Best IVF Centre in Punjab and check for a blocked fallopian tube with laparoscopy surgery.

What to expect?

These are some points that you could expect after the surgery of laparoscopy:

  1. You might feel a bit off and would suffer from a mild fever

  2. Using the bathroom could be a task for you after the surgery.

  3. Heavy bleeding during menstruation.

  4. Infection, discharge, swelling, or redness can be seen too

Though most people have built up some misconception about laparoscopy which they heard from people or the internet. Today we are going to clear some myths or rumors about it.

Debunking the myths!

Myth: People who had several other surgeries in the past are not eligible for the operation of laparoscopy.

Fact: No matter the number of surgeries performed, laparoscopy can proceed successfully with no complications. As it is a safe procedure of invasion inside the abdomen.

Myth: Laparoscopy is expensive than other surgery.

Fact: With less invasion, it is important to keep in mind, that the changes of more bleeding and discomfort would significantly lessen hence proving to have less healing time in hospital.

Myth: Thin or obese people are not recommended to have laparoscopy surgery.

Fact: According to the shape and size of the patient’s body, the surgeon chooses the laparoscopic instrument, as it comes in different sizes.

Myth: The images that are obtained from laparoscopy surgery are poor in quality.

Facts: It is a false statement, the images are of high quality with better visualization and excellent magnified images that would help the surgeons to perform the surgery.

Myth: People with large ovarian cysts should not undergo this surgery.

Facts: You can easily have the surgery, as the instrument used in laparoscopic surgery is tiny and would not harm the body of the patient.

Final words!

Gomti Thapar Hospital, an IVF center uses laparoscopy surgery to help their patient with minimal invasion and pain. Under the guidance and instruction of Dr. Neelu Koura (gynecologist), they have served their patient with the solution that they deserve