Best yoga tips for sinus, Sinuses are passages in the bones of the skull which drain mucous secretions from the nasal cavity. They are lined with ciliated epithelium to remove invading particles and infectious agents during breathing. Sinusitis occurs when the openings of paranasal sinuses become blocked due to allergies or infections.

The usual symptoms include headache, pressure around eyes and nose areas, facial pain, sore throat, etc. along with runny nose, cough, etc. Yoga for sinus pressure is one of the best ways to get rid of sinus problems but you need to choose your pose wisely . Here are some yoga poses that can help expel mucous build-up in sinus cavities:

1.) Spinal twist:

Start by lying down on your back. Bring both knees to your chest and hug them with elbows. Make sure that your spine is properly aligned. Turn right knee over the left side of the body, then twist torso towards left.

Stay in this position for 30 seconds or as long as you feel comfortable. After 30 seconds turn back again by reversing the positions of your legs. Repeat it at least 10 times each side 2-3 times daily to get rid of sinus problems.

2.) Boat Pose:

This yoga pose helps move mucous out of the respiratory tract which is one main reason why it helps treat sinusitis quite efficiently. To practice boat pose start by sitting with legs stretched forward and keep feet together.

Bend from the hips and lean back as much as you can. Keep elbows to your side and rest them on the ground if possible. Breathe normally and stay in this pose for 20-30 seconds, then release it by coming back to starting position.

3.) Bridge Pose:

Bridge pose is a great exercise that strengthens muscles of the spine, upper body and also works well on sinus problems. To practice bridge pose start by lying down on your back. Bring knees together so that they are touching each other at the heels.

Now bend your knees until their heads reach towards your armpits. Lift up your pelvis off from floor so that you create a straight line from knee to shoulder with the torso. Inhale deeply, then slowly raise your head off the floor. Remain in this pose for 10 seconds, then release it by bringing your torso back to starting position. Practice 2 times each side every day.

Yoga Poses For Sinus

4.) Boat Pose With forwarding Bend:

This yoga pose is not only good for the sinus but also works perfectly on your lower back and legs . To practice this pose start by sitting with legs stretched forward and keep feet together. Bend from the hips and lean back as much as you can while looking up towards the sky.

Now bend forward from the waist so that you could touch or grab your toes if possible, or else just go ahead till the limit of comfort. Remain in this pose for 20-30 seconds, release it by coming back to starting position. Repeat it as much as you can to experience the positive effects on your sinuses as well as the whole body.

5.) Cobra Pose:

Cobra pose is another great exercise that helps open up blocked sinuses and also promotes throat, lung, and bronchial health. To practice this yoga pose start by lying down with your stomach on the ground . Bring both of your palms flat on the floor under your shoulders, then bend elbows at a 90-degree angle.

Now slowly raise your head off from the ground, simultaneously lift the upper part of the torso till you achieve maximum stretch without straining yourself. Hold this position for 5-10 seconds, and repeat it 10 times if possible. Practice twice every day after 30 minutes gap of time to get rid of sinusitis.

6.) Ears To Shoulders:

Ears to shoulders is an ancient yoga pose that stimulates pressure points that help alleviate symptoms of chronic respiratory illnesses like allergies, asthma, and sinus problems.

To practice this pose start by lying down on your back. Bring both knees to the chest while raising triceps off the ground so that they are parallel with the floor . Stay in this position for 30 seconds or as long as you feel comfortable.

Release it by bringing your legs back to starting position slowly, then bring them again in the initial position after repeating it doze times if possible. Practice twice every day after 30 minutes gap of time.

7.) Bridge Pose With Chest Expansion:

Bridge pose with chest expansion is a combination of bridge pose and cobra pose. It helps release pressure on the lymph nodes found in the throat, neck, armpits and groin. To practice this yoga pose start by lying down on your back.

Bring knees together so that they are touching each other at the heels. Now bend your knees until their heads reach towards your armpits. Lift up your pelvis off from floor so that you create a straight line from knee to shoulder with the torso. Inhale deeply, then slowly raise head off the floor.

At this point bring both of your hands under shoulders, keep elbows bent at a 90-degree angle and stretch arms outwards behind till they are parallel with the floor. Push chest forward and stretch head in opposite direction of feet to maximize stretch.

Hold in this pose for 10-20 seconds, release it after taking a deep breath and repeat it again if possible. Practice twice every day after 30 minutes gap of time.

8.) Forward Bend With Twist:

Forward bend with a twist is a simple yoga pose that helps open up sinuses and also increases blood circulation in the arms and legs. To practice forward bend with twist start by standing upright, then bring both hands closer while keeping your shoulders straight without straining yourself.

Now exhale slowly while bending forwards till you touch the ground if possible, but don’t worry when you can only touch toe at first instance. Hold this position for 5 seconds or as long as you feel comfortable, then release it slowly by raising your head up.

Now bring both hands to opposite side of your legs, keep it parallel with floor and try to touch your feet if possible .After that twist waist towards left side and bend forward till you attain a stretch on the right side of the waist. Repeat it 10 times in each direction after holding the pose for 5-10 seconds if possible. Perform this yoga pose twice every day after half an hour gap of time.