Now, I know this isn’t entirely correct, but actually it is pretty close… from my experiences anyway….

1. Let’s say half of every girl you approach engages you in conversion…  (50%)

2. Half of the girls that engage you in conversation will actually give you their number…  (25%)

3. Half of the girls who give you their number will agree to meet up for a date…  (12.5%)

4. Half them will flake on the date, the other half will show up…  (6.25%)

5. Out of the ones you get on a date, half of them will let you kiss them… (3.125%)

6. Out of the chicks that let you kiss them on the date, half of them will bounce back to your place no problem… (1.06%)

7. Out of the chicks that wind up coming over, half of them will actually fuck…  (0.503%)

So, out of 100 approaches, you only wind up fucking half a chick on the first date, lol.  I guess that means it takes about 200 approaches to get an easy first date notch.  Damn, that sounds like a lot, but it really isn’t that much, considering it’s not that hard to approach 10 girls in one night.  Actually these number, well particularly the first two steps may actually be a bit optimistic.   Basically though, the point is that does take putting in work and being good at approaching and not being scared to approach is important in this game.   Also, this math (that I just made up) is only for first date notches, depending on how tight your game is, you can always get some of the other chicks between steps 2 and 7 to turn into later date notches.

I need to work harder… and tighten up my game.

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