If you are looking for the best and proven answer on how to build stronger triceps, then you must first understand what triceps really are. Well, triceps are muscles found in the front part of your upper arm just below your shoulder. They are mostly associated with bench pressing activities. They are said to be among the easiest muscles to build since they can be developed with the least amount of effort. Although the said muscle can be easily developed, here are a few helpful tips that can help you learn how to build stronger triceps.

To begin with, it is recommended that you develop your muscle through resistance training. This means that instead of working with isolation type exercises, you should focus more on compound exercises that work multiple muscle groups at the same time. For example, when doing pull ups, you can use both hands for support, thus combining the working of the deltoids and biceps together. This will also allow for the development of triceps balance, stability, and strength.

Also, when training for triceps, it is suggested that you adopt a wide variety of grip sizes. You can go between short and long grips, narrow and deep grips, and even between an underhand and a wide grip. This will give you more grip variations which will eventually train different parts of your triceps. It also allows for proper balance and proper muscle development. Aside from this, you can also go for different exercise styles such as lying extensions, lying reverse rows, standing dumbbell presses, and seated rows.

When training, it is also important that you do not overdo things. Doing excessive reps is one of the biggest drawbacks of bulking up your triceps. Instead of doing hundreds of reps or coming down to doing only fifty, try to do more but with a lighter load. This will let you have a full range of motion, which will eventually train the bigger muscle groups of your body. You can also alternate between heavier and lighter weights if you find it easier.

Some of my favorite exercises for building tricep strength are standard tricep rope pushdowns and kickbacks. But probably the best is the old fashioned dip. Dips are great as they are a super functional exercise. Most gyms have dip stands and dip stations attached to power racks or free-standing. For those who prefer to work out at home, dip stands have gotten quite cheap in recent years, making doing dips and developing a stronger upper body at home more of a reality than ever.

Another important tip on how to build stronger triceps is doing squats. The reason for this is because squats help build hip power. When doing squats, make sure you keep your back straight and don’t bend your knees too much. In addition, do your reps slowly by lowering the weight slowly.

Lastly, when it comes to how to build triceps, always remember to have fun. Always push yourself beyond what you can do. Of course, this requires hard work as well. But if you are determined enough, then you will be able to reach your goals.