When you consider security to be the topmost priority for your business, you should think about investing in Master Key System. If your office premise has many doors then keeping all the keys safely is a major problem. In case one or two keys go missing, the situation becomes very frustrating. Moreover, there may be a possibility that an employee copies a key with a bad intention. To avoid all these security lapses, the only solution is to have a master key for your office.

What is a master key?

When there are number of keys to be handled for a single premise like an office, warehouse or commercial houses, master key system offers high level of security. There is one master key that is used to open all the doors. Then there are other keys which are specific to different doors. Basically in a master key system, two or more keys are needed to open a single door. There is a key hierarchy followed in a master key system so that different people are allowed to have different access levels. If you are looking for better security system for your commercial house then hire Locksmith Liverpool to get flawless result.

Working of a master key system

Master key system has a different mechanism than that of conventional lock and key system. In a conventional lock and key system, the lock cylinder has two pins. Upon inserting the correct key, the two pins come together and a shear line is formed. Now the lock gets opened by twisting the key. The master key system contains three sets of pins. As there is a master pin between the other two pins, the lock gets two shear lines. So, two different keys with slight difference have to be used to open the same lock.

Benefits of master key system

Setting up of master key system by a professional Locksmith Blacktown will require certain investments but the benefits it gives are numerous.

Convenience: A master key system reduces frustration of managing a bunch of keys every day. Now unlocking of keys becomes an easy affair no matter how many doors are to be opened. At the same time, no comprise is done with the security factor of the premise.

Better Control: With a master key system, the business owner or manager can have better control of the security system. The level of access an employee can have can be controlled completely by the management. If one employee is given access to first level of entry, he or she may not be allowed to enter the second level. With a master key system, limited access is possible.

Accountability: Different employees can be given access to different parts of the premise so employees have better accountability. They would remain extra careful in handling the keys.

Easy tracking of keys: The number of keys is less in a master key system so chances of misplacing or losing any key is reduced.

If you are looking for an affordable and high level security system for your office or commercial place, you should switch over to master key system.