People face an array of dental and oral issues. Unfortunately, some are ignorant enough never to approach a dentist or a dental expert throughout their lifetime. It is commonly said that people hardly understand the importance of their teeth and its appearance until it is completely lost. So let’s take a peek into some dental and oral problems that affect a considerable chunk of people worldwide.

A halitosis specialist near me explains this distressing oral condition:

Chronic bad breath, also commonly known as halitosis, is a condition that affects 2 in 5 people globally. Halitosis is directly linked with oral hygiene and is usually caused by bacteria that break down the food particles into sulphur compounds. Unlike “morning breath” that lingers around, halitosis remains for an extended amount of time and requires serious dental attention, according to the experts at the famous dental clinic in Behala.

A halitosis specialist near me suggests that bad breath often causes psychological stress such as embarrassment and anxiety that should not be overlooked. According to researchers, halitosis can be seen in any individual. Hence, dental care is necessary to investigate tooth decay and gum diseases that cause bad breath. Although simple home remedies and improved dental care can reduce bad breath, a dentist recommendation is all you need to check the underlying problems if it persists.

What causes halitosis?

Bad breath conditions should not be avoided as it may lead to other infections in the body. Instead, look for the below-mentioned causes to get yourself treated for halitosis.

  •  Nose, mouth and throat infections:

According to the top dentists near Behala, severe throat, nose and sinus problems can lead to postnasal dripping, which is a significant cause of bad breath. In addition, the mucus in your nasal cavity feeds the bacteria while battling the sinus infection. Further, the disease leaves you sniffy and smelly.

  •  Dental problems:

Gum diseases and tooth decays are some common reasons for bad breath. So a halitosis doctor near me looks for cavities and more profound gaps in gums responsible for dental issues in any individual. Deep voids and cavities allow bacteria to hide inside them, which cannot be cleared with brushing and flossing.

  •  Mouth Dryness:

The production of saliva in your mouth plays an integral role in maintaining dental hygiene. It removes the unwanted food particles and leftovers from your mouth, thereby helping in preventing cavities and infections. Dry mouth condition can be due to different medications and excessive use of tobacco, caffeine and alcohol.

  •  Smoking and tobacco-chewing:

Tobacco and alcohol not only cause terrible breath conditions, but the products are also responsible for developing other chronic conditions in your body. For example, smoking and alcohol not only leave their odour on your body but also leads to a dry mouth situation that builds up dental cavities. In addition, halitosis treatment dentist reveals that people who smoke and chew tobacco are at higher risk of encountering gum diseases at some point in their lives.

  •  Other medical conditions:

Although bad breath is linked to oral hygiene, the reasons can differ in many cases. Gastric reflux, diabetes, liver ailment and kidney failure are some chronic conditions that can cause halitosis. Apart from chronic diseases, the halitosis treatment dentist near me suggests rare infections such as aspiration pneumonia, bowel obstruction, and bronchiectasis responsible for bad breath.

Symptoms of bad breath:

Doctors at the dental clinic near Behala- specialising in halitosis and other dental cum oral problems,look for various symptoms to treat bad breath conditions. Therefore, if you encounter any of the below-mentioned symptoms, it is advisable to get a dentist recommendation.

  • White deposition on the tongue, especially on the backside of your tongue.

  • Dry mouth condition

  • Unusual build up around the teeth and gums

  • Postnasal drip due to sinus infection

  • Morning lousy breath and burning tongue sensation

  • Viscous saliva and continuous need to clear your throat

  • Extended metallic, sour and bitter taste.

Diagnosis of the disease:

The initial step of investigating the halitosis condition is simply smelling the breath of a person and rating the odour on a six-point scale. However, the halitosis treatment centre near me uses various techniques to diagnose the bad breath condition. Some common ways of diagnosing halitosis are mentioned below.

  •  Halimeter:

This device is used to detect low levels of sulphur.

  •  Gas chromatography:

A reputed dental clinic in Behala often uses gas chromatography techniques to measure three sulphur compounds, namely dimethyl sulphide, methyl mercaptan and hydrogen sulphide.

  •  BANA test:

BANA test is the most common test for periodontal risk assessment. This is because it helps in analysing specific enzymes produced by bacteria that cause halitosis.

  •  Beta-galactosidase test:

As the name suggests, the test is used to measure Beta-galactosidase levels, which is correlated to bad breath conditions treating halitosis.

Treating halitosis:

Often halitosis leads to chronic dental ailments, which are difficult to treat; therefore, following a healthy dental routine is essential. Home remedies prove beneficial, but if the bad breath condition persists, you need to consult dentists at the halitosis clinic near me.

  •  Brushing and Flossing:

Start with a simple regime-brushing your teeth twice a day. Brushing helps in reducing the foul odour, thereby keeping your breath fresh and long-lasting. Flossing is yet another way of reducing the deposition of plaque between your teeth. It also removes unwanted food items which are left after every meal.

  •  Denture cleaning:

Dentists performing superlative halitosis treatment near me recommend regular denture cleaning as it prevents the bacteria from causing an infection inside your mouth. A good quality soft toothbrush should be used to clean the bridge and dentures. Besides denture cleaning, brushing your tongue is also necessary. Bacteria, food and dead cells often get accumulated on the tongue surface. Hence a tongue scraper can be used to clean and brush the tongue successfully.

  •  Keep your mouth hydrated:

Dry mouth condition can cause halitosis, especially in people who are into tobacco smoking habits. Chewing sugar-free gums and sucking a sweet can preferably increase the saliva production in your mouth, keeping your mouth hydrated. In many cases, dentists prescribe medicines to improve saliva production in chronically dry mouth condition.

  •  Healthy diet:

Spicy and sugary food is often linked to bad breath conditions. Also, onions and garlic can build lousy breath in your mouth, hence avoid them. Incorporating roughage and fibre in your breakfast can clean the tongue and maintain oral hygiene for a more extended period.


If you do not improve your halitosis condition despite the home-remedies mentioned above, you should consult doctors at halitosis laser treatment near me. They can treat your condition by recommending further investigations to rule out tooth decay and gum disease conditions.