Sciatica is one of the most common conditions that are extremely painful. The term “sciatica” is used to describe the mild or severe pain caused by irritation of the sciatic nerve, the largest nerve in the human body.


Physical therapy treatments effectively help with sciatica pain relief in Newcastle ON by relieving symptoms and building core and spinal strength. It includes specifically designed exercises that take pressure off the sciatic nerve and various modalities that help reduce pain.


What is Sciatica?

Sciatica is the irritation of the sciatic nerve, the largest nerve in the body, that plays a vital role in connecting the spinal cord with the skin and muscles of the thigh, leg, and foot. This nerve originates from the union of five different nerve roots in the lower back and runs down the hips, buttocks, back of the thigh, and feet.


Any type of pain that originates from the sciatic nerve due to an injury or irritation is referred to as sciatica, and the pain is felt along the path of the nerve. The most common cause of sciatica is a herniated disc, in which the inner layer of the disc protrudes through the outer ring and compresses the sciatic nerve root, leading to pain. The other conditions causing sciatica may include spinal stenosis, degenerative disc disease, and piriformis syndrome.


The most common symptoms of sciatica are numbness, tingling, or weakness in the back of the leg, burning or stabbing pain in the lower back that radiates down the back of the thigh, leg, or feet, pain in one side of the leg, and worsening pain while sitting or standing for an extended period.


How Does Physical Therapy Help?

Even though simple self-care measures and home remedies can relieve sciatica pain, individuals with severe pain need physical therapy programs to achieve an improved posture and long-term physical health.


Physical therapists ask about the symptoms, location, and intensity of pain and conduct a physical examination to identify activities that aggravate or relieve pain. Physical therapy treatments help reduce swelling, and inflammation, improve physical functionality, promote sciatica pain relief in Newcastle ON, and prevent recurrence of sciatica symptoms.


Passive Physical Therapy

Passive physical therapy does not require the active involvement of the patients, and physical therapists will perform the procedure on them in order to prepare the body for active treatments such as stretches and exercises. The following techniques are utilized in the passive physical therapy program for sciatica.

  • Deep Tissue Massage – Physical therapists carry out deep tissue massage therapy for people with sciatica by targeting specific spinal muscles and connective tissue in the lower back, hips, and buttocks that may be compressing the sciatic nerve and use direct pressure and friction to release the tension and reduce pain.
  • Heat/Cold Therapy – Heat therapy performed by applying heated packs gets more blood to the affected area, brings more oxygen and nutrients to that area, and reduces muscle spasms that could be causing sciatica pain. Cold therapy carried out using ice packs slows down circulation and reduces pain, inflammation, and muscle spasms.
  • Electrical Stimulation – Transcutaneous electrical nerve stimulation or TENS therapy, one of the common electrical stimulation methods, uses electric impulses to stimulate the nerves to block pain signals to the brain, thus reducing pain, muscles spasms, and increasing the production of endorphins in the body. 
  • Ultrasound Therapy – Ultrasound therapy, one of the effective physical therapy modalities, generates sound waves that travel deep into the tissues and increase heat. This process enhances circulation in the deep tissues, promotes speedy healing, and helps reduce muscle spasms, swelling, stiffness, and pain.


Active Physical Therapy

Active physical therapy requires the active participation of the patients to work toward restoring normal body function such as movements. Physical therapists design a specialized exercise program that includes stretches, strengthening exercises, and aerobic exercises to improve flexibility, muscle strength, and range of motion. Basic seated stretch, sitting spinal stretch, and knee to the opposite shoulder stretch are some of the stretches that help with sciatica. 


Bridges and back flexion exercises are examples of strengthening exercises that stabilize the muscles around the spine and prevent recurrence of sciatica pain and symptoms. Aerobic exercises like walking enhance blood flow, release endorphins, and improve overall fitness. Physical therapists also suggest hydrotherapy that uses the gentle resistance of water to build muscle strength and relieve pain caused by sciatica, promoting sciatica pain relief in Newcastle ON.


Patient Education

Physical therapists educate their patients on proper body mechanics and good posture while sitting, standing, and walking in order to reduce pain and prevent sciatica from occurring in the future. They may also teach ergonomically safe lifting techniques by analyzing the patients’ job environment to avoid certain conditions that may cause injuries to the spine, such as the herniated disc.