Social media marketing for your cannabis business is a must. Whom you target, using what platforms, and what you post must be a well-thought-out plan. There are now more people signing up for social media than ever before, and To increase the chances of success in business, you should learn how to use them.  The best cannabis marketing tactic is to hire an agency like Spark Factory.

Without a doubt, the growth of the cannabis industry has been awe-inspiring. As an entrepreneur, you want to be part of this revolution. However, success depends on starting with some market research. Take social media platforms, for example. Legalization states like California and Colorado invested more in social media advertising than anywhere else.

It’s no secret that social media is commonly used as a marketing tool. Social Media Examiner reported that over 83% of marketers now use at least one social media platform for their business. With 56% using two or more platforms and 29% using four or more platforms – it’s no wonder that many people view social media as a crucial component of their marketing plans.

Cannabis marketing on social media is not difficult. It’s more challenging to understand what you need to do and whom you’re targeting. Once you have a concrete strategy set up, the following things will help you start a successful cannabis social media advertising campaign.

Learn Everything You Can About Cannabis Social Media Marketing

Social Media Marketing

No one ever said doing social media marketing was easy. However, if you’re willing to invest your time and energy into studying the subject, you’ll have a much easier time grasping it.

Although social media is excellent because it is free, it’s not always easy to get. For one thing, the platforms change constantly. So it’s not enough to know your way around Facebook. You need to know which platforms will work best for you. And you need to understand the subtleties of each one.

And, if you go the organic route, you can’t just post whatever you want whenever. You have to post the right things at the right time. And you need to understand what kinds of content will interest people, so you have a better idea of when to post it.

 And, of course, if you don’t post often enough, you won’t get any results. So you need to keep track of how often you should post. And you have to come up with exciting content. You also have to make sure that you’re posting your content on the right platforms.

All of this takes time. And not all social media marketers are good at executing complicated plans. So it’s not surprising that trying to use social media to promote your business can get complicated. But it doesn’t have to.

Even if you can’t do it yourself, you can hire someone. But you’ll probably have to get referrals or recommendations from people you trust. And you’ll need to know precisely what you’re looking for.

Position Yourself As An Authority In The Cannabis Industry

To make a name for yourself in the cannabis space, you need to be the authority on your brand and be able to deliver a consistent experience.

Start by developing a social media strategy. Your strategy should include building a following, producing and distributing great content, distributing your content through social channels, and engaging with your followers. 

Pick The Right Social Platforms For Your Brand.

Social media marketing allows cannabis businesses to reach audiences they wouldn’t otherwise reach.

It’s also a great place to create brand awareness among new audiences. But because cannabis is illegal in many states, those brands need to find creative ways to reach customers. We recommend Facebook and LinkedIn as great places to build your brand. With Facebook, you can post a video, photo, or link to your website.

You can also start a Facebook group for your brand to engage customers, schedule group events, promotional offers, and more. With LinkedIn, you can post a blog, share content, and engage with followers. You can post weekly, bi-weekly or monthly, and it’s a great place to build brand awareness among new audiences.

Both social media platforms allow you to track engagement to see how your content is performing.

Find Ways To Grow Your Following.

The key is to stand out, to become the voice for cannabis in your industry. Take the time to invest in creating engaging content, sharing it on social media, and engaging with your followers.

Establish yourself as an influencer. To do that, you need to be active on social media. Spend some time building a following. Then leverage that following by posting quality content and engaging with your followers.

Create Content Around Your Business.

From a business perspective, the easiest way to do this is by creating blog posts that provide helpful content to your following. But don’t stop there. Create a video, podcasts, infographics, and ebooks that your followers can use.

Take advantage of social media advertising. Social media advertising is relatively inexpensive, and it has the potential to reach thousands of people.

Think about marketing locally. Many cannabis companies are large, national brands. While this may be true, you may find it more beneficial to focus locally.  Local marketing allows you to connect with customers in a way that national brands cannot.


In an ever-growing business environment, it’s difficult to attract the right kind of attention from those who matter. Having a social media presence can help you stay in touch with your potential buyers.

Cannabis companies of all sizes can and should use social media to promote their brands and engage with their target audiences. According to Forbes, 91 per cent of online consumers say they trust social media as a source of news and information.

Be sure to define your brand’s voice and style before creating any type of social media content. For example, should your brand use humour, be professional, or a combination of both?

Once you’ve established your brand’s voice, you can leverage that voice by creating content that will position you as an authority in the cannabis industry.