Most likely the majority of those reading this article are really looking for a specialist commercial cleaning company in Brampton and know exactly what to expect when they find the company that can provide this service.

A small part of those who contact a cleaning company, on the other hand, think that it can carry out an infinite number of jobs related to the maintenance of the interiors or exteriors of buildings.commercial cleaning company in Brampton

It is important to have a clear idea when researching to find a person who can meet your needs. This is why it is important to know the difference between a commercial cleaning company in Brampton and a multiservice company in Brampton.

Let’s go on to explain better by also offering a small example taken from a true story.

Do you need cleaning experts or other professionals?
This question is fundamental if you do not want to be disappointed by the quote or, even, by the work of the company you contacted to solve a problem in your home or your business.

If you want to always have perfectly clean and sanitized environments and/or if you need an extraordinary cleaning intervention after restoration or an invasive intervention inside or outside a building (e.g. change of furniture, repair of pipes, pruning), the right subject for you is a company specialized in cleaning.

If, in addition to or as an alternative to what has just been described, you also need someone to carry out masonry, whitewashing, plant engineering, then you must contact a multiservice company.

The differences between the two types of business derive not only from the number of services they provide but also from the quality due to specialization.

Those who only deal with professional cleaning, most likely, have the experience, the skills, the tools to intervene in any place and to remove any type of dirt effectively and without problems.

An example to understand what a cleaning company does not do
We at Akkadian Services have been operating in the field of cleaning services in Mississauga.
Here is a true story inherent in the theme of this article.

A short time ago a potential customer required us to have a painter and a plumber, in addition to the cleaning service.

Our answer was the one we usually give in these cases: “ we are specialized only in cleaning services, but if you want we can get you the names and telephone numbers of painters and plumbers to contact ”.

The potential customer explicitly reiterated that we should have had these figures in our company structure.

At that point, very politely, we explained that his needs could probably be met by a multiservice company and not by a cleaning company.

In the end, he asked us all the same to offer him a quote.

In conclusion: cleaning specialist or generalist?

It is essential to be aware of the fact that a multiservice is “generalist”, that is, it does a little bit of everything, while a company specialized in cleaning is dedicated to a single service.

Whoever calls himself a specialist must excel in his field.

We at Akkadian Services are a “specialist” company, we take care of cleaning and not of all the other activities that can be carried out or requested as a corollary of the cleaning activities. We specialize in cleaning offices, houses, apartments, condominiums, schools, public and private bodies, and other spaces.

Our professionalism is recognized, thanks also to the experience that distinguishes us. We have been in the industry for years and have always worked intending to satisfy the customer and gain his trust.

Final Words

If you want more information contact us, we will be happy to answer your questions and, if necessary, carry out a free inspection to create a personalized quote.