At present, there are no explicit recommendations for pregnant women and work related to the risks of COVID exposure. Thus, newly pregnant patients would observe the general advice for all workers who can work from home to do.

If you have required a known exposure to COVID, we can evaluate your situation for a reference for quarantine and offer a letter to that effect.  All of your non-urgent requests as you have staff working remotely to meet your requirements. If you have submitted a message or phone call, please answer all calls listed as blocked; the team is calling from outside your office. Face masks like the 3m 1860s n95 mask may feel exhausted to the women.

How can pregnant women defend themselves from getting COVID?

Pregnant women would do the same things as the general public to escape infection. You can help stop the spread of COVID by taking these actions:

  • Cover your cough (your elbow is a good technique).
  • Avoid the public who are sick.
  • Clean your hands by using soap and water or an alcohol-based sanitizer.
  • Stay at home or a minimum of six feet away from people who do not live in your home.
  • Avoid public crowds and individuals with symptoms.
  • Maintain appropriate social distance and wear a mask if you cannot maintain distance.
  • You can find extra information on preventing COVID disease at CDCs.

What should you do if I think you have been exposed or you develop symptoms?

Would you mind calling your office and directing you on where to receive care, dependent on your situation? Moreland endures evaluating entries of patients with obstetric complaints in your office. You are not bringing patients with respiratory signs only into the clinic for evaluation and are directing those patients to suitable facilities for care.

What if you am a pregnant health care worker unprotected from Coronavirus?

Pregnant women should observe the same precautions and techniques all other healthcare workers instructed to keep. Please search for your institution’s employee health or infection prevention and control departments for help on procedures and PPE.