Before you begin marketing your company, you must first understand what your customers want and why they want it. Good customer research will assist you in determining how to persuade your customers that they require your products and services.

Defining Potential Customers

Defining your potential customers is the first step in customer research. Your market research should assist you in better understanding your potential customers. Additional customer research can assist you in developing a more detailed picture of them and determining how to target them. It will also highlight key characteristics shared by your customers, such as (age, gender, occupation, disposable, income, recreational activities, recreational location)

1. Recognize Why They Shop

For effective sales prospecting, you’ve determined who your customers are, you can discover what drives them to purchase your products and services. Consider whether they make decisions based on: (work demands, family needs, budget constraints, and social or emotional needs.
preferences for specific brands).

2. Defining Preferred Shopping Method

You’ll want to understand not only why they shop, but also how they shop. Consider whether your customers’ preferred method and means of shopping are: (shop online, over the phone, or in stores, make spontaneous or carefully considered buying decisions).

3. Consider Their Purchasing Habits

Different types of customers will be willing to spend varying amounts of money. Determine your customers‘ financial capacity and spending habits. Consider the following: (their average earnings, the proportion of their income spent on the products or services you sell, if they have a budget).

4. Discover What They Think of You

Learn about your customers’ perceptions and expectations of your company and competitors. Find out, for example, what they think of your: (goods and services, customer support, competitors).

5. Identifying Potential Customers Requirements – Video Case Study

Defining potential customers’ needs entails researching your industry and asking a slew of specific questions to your customers. Lauren Wheeley, the owner of The Perfect Little Wedding Company, emphasizes the importance of gathering detailed information from your customers through regular communication and ensuring that you can meet their specific needs.