Since the previous year, the world has been experiencing tremendous changes especially in the event industry. At the earlier stage of novel coronavirus, when the government announced a complete shutdown of the country due to outrageous cases rising exponentially. People were forced to stay home and continue working remotely. This surged the importance of digital solutions in the arsenal of the event industry.

Today we see endless events taking place online, with the being the case many different types of events also emerged, they are as follows- Virtual events, Virtual conference, trade shows, fairs, product launch, AGMs, meetings, exhibitions and the list goes on. With this we also encountered a new way of organising events- The Hybrid event. Hybrid events have gained much popularity in recent years as it amalgamates both digital and physical components. This makes it a viable option for event organisers to carry forward their business on a hybrid platform. As we certainly adapted to the new normal, there are opportunities for unrivalled invention and audience growth that has skyrocketed a worthwhile experience of all time. Let’s have a look at some of these opportunities.

What is a Virtual Hybrid Event?

A virtual hybrid event belongs to two different categories but have similar functionalities. The word ‘Virtual’ means online which happens only on a web-based platform. Whereas the word ‘Hybrid’ is a combination of physical and online components and is conducted over a physical venue with digital elements involved.

It allows both-end participants to connect and interact seamlessly in one single frame. The in-person portions of hybrid events are either streamed live at a physical venue or publicised, recorded, or downloaded to virtual audiences. Moreover, the saved and recorded content can be easily accessed by attendees irrespective of their time zone even after the conclusion of the event. This way anybody from the event can take advantage of the subject and use it in later purposes. These events have eliminated all the constraints for guests who were unable to attend the meeting in person and can watch the important parts anyday. Thanks to advanced technology evolving each day that has made life much simpler and convenient for us. This gives event organisers endless opportunities while at the same time enhances the user’s journey.

Driving Growth with Virtual Hybrid Events

According to statistics “Hybrid events offer a unique opportunity to seamlessly connect audiences around the world and, at all times of the year, encourage them to participate and engage with the event and its content as well as join the event’s community.”

Driving growth with virtual hybrid events has transformed our way of approaching event audiences and upscaled our marketing strategies. Which has vividly open possibilities for the following:

  1. Attendees who cancel their registration or who are unable to attend the event may be centered and given the opportunity to take advantage of the web options, preserving them with fascinating and engaging content.
  2. The online event and its sources can be advertised as long as they are willing to, with this marketing the event becomes extremely easy for organisers and marketers which further helps in capitalising on timely possibilities.
  3. Popular content, whether on-demand or live in real-time can offer great sponsorship opportunities that can be promoted throughout the year.
  4. With these sorts of events coming into place, it becomes easier for event managers to track the participation of the attendees and assess effectiveness of the content generated by the content managers. Along with large target market increase and engagement comes a similarly massive growth of the occasion.
  5. With more virtual chat options and attendee interaction tools coming into picture of the virtual events it helps the managers to get valuable insights on what type of topics would make individuals want to attend the event in person, giving event marketers and show organisers extra fuel for event growth.
  6. It also filters out the geographical barrier. Now, companies can approach areas, without the fear of boundaries. Virtual hybrid events are a worldwide agenda now.

How do hybrid Events Help in Improvising the Event Data?

As hybrid events offer a variety of online exercises to the attendees’, show organisers and event marketers can easily collect data based on information gathered in the virtual rooms. For instance:

  1. A company is hosting an enterprise convention and desires to enhance the academic classes and content it offers. However, the survey information which is collected doesn’t offer sufficient improvement. The company works with a digital occasion platform, which now not only hosts the most effective digital aspect of the in-person occasion but also presents year-spherical gate entry to the study content material with an effective learning management system. This allows participants both national and international to view the content material online. Because the digital target market may be a lot larger than the in-person one, analysing participation information can offer conclusive insights that assist the company refine their content material for further events.
  2. An organization is doing a product release virtual event and desires extra. These digital platforms offer an opportunity to those who were not able to attend the in-person event to check out the event at the touchdown page of the product launch. It is not only the handiest way to serve an extended general audience, but also it additionally caters to a bigger and greater set of individuals, taking into consideration higher demographic conclusions.

Collecting the data

In a virtual event platform there is a high scope of collection of real-time data from the participants. These kinds of events open up options for polls, question answer sessions and social media interaction. It answers all the questions like, how many individuals have participated? What questions have they asked? What was the response of the live polls etc. Collecting statistics factors from this drastically accelerated target market offers companies with the deep insights which could remodel their occasion strategy.

Usage of the Data and Generating Integration

Let’s take an insight as to how this raw data is useful? Fortunately, an occasional tech integration platform permits records from all your applications, from registration for your interactive structures to the stats for your landing pages.   These platforms come with a records analytics dashboard which mixes your records and creates reviews that you can take action on. The data accumulated shows overall performance of the event.

Over to You

Virtual hybrid event platforms offer limitless blessings to event entrepreneurs and permit organisers with unparalleled motives to widen, attain and mutate their conventional occasions into a powerful engagement tool. By enforcing digital additives as part of your occasion and growing possibilities for global audiences, you could develop your attendance, optimize your occasion strategy, and have a look at the effective insights to constantly enhance your event worldwide