There’s no denying that most of the people who land on your E-commerce platform are likely to abandon their carts, casually browse, and end up leaving the site without buying anything from your store.

The most important part about building upon sales or revenue, is to pay close attention to your visitors and Use strategies that would prompt your visitors to buy from your store and hence, increase your sales. This is where Lead Magnets come into play.

A lead magnet is simply a tool to prompt the customer to provide their contact information, in return for some discount or promo code, which will allow to customer to gain something special from your store, helping you create leads and increase your sales.

Today, we go over five E-Commerce Lead Magnet Ideas to help you boost sales:

1. Captivating Infographic

It is important to reflect upon what you’re selling. Research indicates that around 70% of buyers or shoppers buy from your store if they know what they’re actually buying. What this means is that the potential shoppers associate with the value that a certain product brings to them, hence, prompting them to make a purchase. Similarly, using a lead magnet through a captivating infographic about your E-commerce store and its products will help customers resonate well with your brand. For instance, if your E-commerce store is based on nutritional supplements, then you can put up an attractive and captivating infographic about the health benefits of the products your E-commerce store is selling. This way, infographics-based lead magnets will help you boost sales.

2. Resource List

Customers, today, require more information than ever, and they need it all in one place, without them having to wander around. Having said that, providing customers with resource lists through lead magnets will prompt the customer to make his/ her purchase and increase your overall sales, since such mechanism will create an immediate response amongst the customer, given that all his/ her queries are being answered through the provided resources like guides, e-books, blogs, and vice versa.

3. Promo Codes

It is no hidden fact that majority of the customers are motivated to buy a certain product, if it’s associated with a discount. Discounts allow customers to take an immediate purchase decision and this results in an increase in sales, hence, using discount-based lead magnets which exactly provides the customer a discount code or option, will trigger customer response and boost your overall sales. This method is overall used by many famous brands and are widely available to use on the online coupon code websites i.e. Amazon coupon code, Walmart coupon code, Target and more…

4. Survey Response

One if the ways you can use lead magnets to boost your E-commerce sales is by using surveys. This way you can determine the type of leads you get and figure out how to put up your lead magnets and what type of content to advertise. As an example, you may picture it this way, Shoppers who haven’t shopped from you in the past, will let you know, through your lead magnet surveys, why they haven’t shopped from you. This will help you identify the reason for disappointing sales figure, and help you increase sales.

5. Free Delivery/ Shipping

One of the best lead magnet ideas to boost your E-commerce sales, is by putting up free shipping or free delivery offers. Nothing triggers a customer more than offers like Free shipping and delivery. Using such type of lead magnets will help you increase your overall E-commerce sales. Studies also show that shoppers are more likely to buy from your E-commerce store if free shipping is offered, meaning that using lead magnets to market free shipping will definitely give a boost in your overall E-commerce sales.


Using lead magnets to increase your E-commerce sales is quite popular. Many popular E-commerce stores are using lead magnets to boost their sales. The fact that the mechanism of lead magnets is so simple and brands may deploy different ideas and tactics, makes lead magnets so popular.

We have discussed five lead magnet ideas to boost E-commerce sales with you above. We hope you liked reading our article. Feel free to share your thoughts and opinions in the comments section down below.