A brief history of massage


Massage is one of the oldest and most basic forms of medical treatment. Egyptian tomb paintings show people receiving massages. Massage has been practiced continuously since Antiquity in Eastern cultures. It was one of the main pain relief methods of Greek and Roman physicians. Julius Caesar would have received a daily massage to treat neuralgia (nerve pain). In the 5th century BC, the father of Western medicine, Hippocrates wrote in the book The Physician Must Have Experience in Many Things, “but surely by rubbing because rubbing can tie a joint too loose and loosen a joint too hard. ”


Massage has lost its value and prestige with the unpleasant image created by “massage parlors”. This image is fading as people understand that massage can relieve disease and promote relaxation. As more and more people learn about the benefits of massage and its relation to disease, the more acceptable it will become. Thai Massage in Al Barsha


Massage is currently being used in acute care units for children, the elderly, babies in incubators, and cancer, AIDS, heart attacks, and stroke patients. Most people’s hospices have some type of body therapy available and it is often offered at health centers, drug treatment clinics, and pain clinics.

Common types of massage


Massage therapists can specialize in over 80 distinct modalities or styles of massage. Swedish massage, deep tissue massage, reflexology, acupressure (acupressure without the needles), sports massage, and neuromuscular massage are just a few of the various types of massage therapy. Most masseurs specialize in a variety of modalities, each of which necessitates different approaches. Some use exaggerated strokes that span the length of a part of the body (like the leg), while others use fast strikes, similar to percussion, with a closed or cupped hand.

A massage can last up to 2 to 3 hours or as little as 5 to 10 minutes. In general, the sort of massage provided is determined by the client’s needs and physical condition. For example, therapists may use different tactics for elderly clients than they would for athletes, and they may use different approaches for wounded clients than they would for healthy clients. for clients seeking relaxation. In addition, some forms of massage are only given to one type of client; for example, prenatal massages and infant massages are provided to pregnant women and new mothers, respectively.


Benefits of massage


Massage therapy is the use of touch to manipulate the soft tissues and muscles of the body. It’s used for a multitude of reasons, including alleviating pain, decompressing overworked and weary muscles, decreasing stress, healing sports injuries, and increasing overall wellness. Customers often seek massages for medical and relaxation purposes, and a wide range of massages are available.


Massage therapy has many benefits, ranging from increasing circulation and immunity to reducing pain from illness and injury. Massage therapy releases “feel good” hormones, allowing the client to relax and unwind. If clients fail to control stress, it can lead to illness and worsen existing conditions.


Everyone benefits from massage, from premature babies to the elderly. Massage helps babies to flourish and grow; helps children with a variety of medical, physical, and emotional problems; and it helps ease the pain of people who are dying.


When massage is contraindicated


Massage therapy can help with almost any health problem, but there are certain situations in which massage can make the situation worse (also called contraindications). If the person has a fever or an infection, the massage will make it worse. Massage is also not recommended if the person is under the influence of alcohol or drugs for the same reason. Korean Massage in Tecom

If the person has advanced disease, they will need written permission from their primary care provider stating that the massage will be beneficial and not worsen the disease. Recent injuries or surgeries (less than four weeks) usually also require written permission from the primary care physician before the therapist can continue.