Everything about spa massage

Today, almost everyone is overloaded with work pressure in and outside the office. So after a long day of hard work, everyone wants to relax when they get home. However, since you can’t commit to work, you need something that will release your stress and give you a snack after a long, tiring day at the office. You can face many types of back pain and health issues due to the stress of your job.

Therefore, a massage chair can be the perfect solution to relieve stress and release your load. Many of us are workaholics who don’t even have time to visit a health center or spa for a full-body massage. However, things have gotten very easy for you these days. You can get an automatic spa massager at your doorstep without leaving your house. Massage in Al Satwa


These spa massage chairs can be very promising from a health point of view. These chairs will help you release stress from your body. Spa massage chairs are a kind of magic potion for all kinds of stress and pain you encounter. The best thing about these chairs is that they can fit anywhere you store them. For example, you can keep them in the office, at home, and wherever you prefer to keep them.


The benefits of spa massage chairs can be enjoyed by people of all groups. Moreover, with the help of these spa chairs, you can avoid many health issues related to the pressure of your work in offices in other places. Another advantage that you can enjoy with this thing is that you can sit or lie down in whatever position you want and at the same time you can do other work if you want.

What is Shiatsu?

Whether they realize it or not, people who get a massage get a lot more for their money than just relieving their stress. When the muscle tissue in the body is pressed and stimulated, it helps to improve the body’s natural circulation.

The lymphatic system also speeds up and the whole body becomes much more capable of cleaning impurities from the blood. The ability to absorb oxygen from the air is also enhanced, and most of this happens without the person receiving the massage noticing.

A Shiatsu massage accomplishes all of these things, but also a little more. Shiatsu massages require special training on the part of the practitioner before they can be performed correctly. Virtually no special equipment is required, and the masseur always relies on the pressure of his bare hands and bare fingers to deliver the treatment.

What makes it unique is that these massages

What makes it unique is that these massages target body parts along special body meridians which, according to ancient Chinese philosophy, help channel a kind of “spiritual blood” known as Chi. Chi, according to tradition, circulates in the body with the same freedom as blood.


Shiatsu massages are specifically designed to target areas known to cause Chi blockages. Since this spiritual and mental energy is believed to help remove harmful substances from the body, promoting stronger circulation is believed to help promote the overall well-being of the body and mind. As with good blood circulation, fluid Chi is the key to mental clarity and the cornerstone of a good life.

Shiatsu massagers understand

Shiatsu massagers understand this perfectly and incorporate specific finger pressure into their regular routine. At different times during the massage session, which can last over an hour, they will apply moderate pressure to many of the same points targeted by acupuncture specialists. The same points that are normally stimulated with needles are stimulated with the hands and fingertips, and this is done with a similar level of effectiveness.


All of this requires a thorough understanding of the flow patterns Chi tends to exhibit and the paths it typically takes to get from one place to another. While this energy is metaphysical in nature and not necessarily bound by the same restrictions as blood to veins and arteries, it usually travels along these specific pathways. Massage Center in Dubai Investment Park


Having a massage performed by someone who is not specially trained in Shiatsu can be incredibly relaxing, but it is unlikely to remove serious blockages in the body’s spiritual meridians. There is a certain order of where to apply pressure, and understanding the purpose behind the various routines is essential for any type of long-term success. If you are planning to purchase one on your own, it is highly recommended that you consult a professional doctor in order to get the best results for your money.