Controlled heating technology has been upgrading the new-age houses in the best way possible. Choosing the right heating appliance for your home can suitably provide you the comfort of a lifetime with uncompromised health and wellness. But all those appliances are controlled by a valve. A valve regulates everything that happens inside a radiator. Ideally, if you want the best quality solution for your radiator, then you should go for a thermostatic radiator valve (TRV) for your radiators. It doesn’t matter if you have a gas, oil, or LPG central heating system; a good-quality thermostatic radiator valve can solve all of your unique problems. 

This guide on electric heating systems contains information about reasonable controls for electric storage heating mechanisms and hot water systems. The life of these controls is not more than 14 years, so the best option is to upgrade them after a subtle lifespan. 

How “smart heating” is an efficient solution? 

Many companies that produce a smart radiator thermostat or a smart thermostatic radiator valve promise massive benefits, but they do not deliver the same. They might say it in a generalized way, but that doesn’t mean these radiators perform in the same way for houses of all sizes. But the components associated with these appliances can indeed create a difference. If an ideal amount of money is invested in a perfect appliance, it can benefit you in numerous ways. We understand that these components or devices are expensive, but there is a probability that one can recover the initial costs in the first year itself. 

Smart thermostats might be cost-effective for whom? 

For those familiar with using apps on their smartphones or computers, thermostats are a good and advanced tool to possess. It is beneficial for those who have a busy schedule and wish to program their heating radiators on the go. Several intelligent heating controls, such as Nest, can observe your routine and run your home at the appropriate temperature according to you. The installation cost can be recovered over a few years from savings on energy bills.

A smart radiator thermostat saves a lot of money, so who doesn’t want one? It offers you the regulating functionality that comforts your lifestyle to the core. A smart radiator keeps a check over health and wellness by regulating the environment in the best way possible. When combined with an advanced Thermostat, the probability of wellness and appliance life get improved. 

What are the possibilities of integrating smart valves with smart Thermostats?

A smart radiator thermostat that can learn your schedule and routines, along with an innovative valve that lets you control the temperature room-by-room, is where your heating system will genuinely become smart. It’s an intelligent heater that makes sense.

Therefore, your smart thermostat will understand that people spend time in rooms A, B, and C in the morning, and in the evening, they spend time in rooms D and E. An inexpensive multi-zone setup is not possible with a smart thermostat. A smart Thermostat clubbed with an advanced valve gets the thing going for you, and that’s how you elevate your home smartly.

Wouldn’t it be better to use TRVs (Thermostatic Radiator Valves) instead?

This question has been arising for a long time now. It is unnecessary to rush out and buy a bunch of smart radiator valves for your house if you only have the TRVs. There are different kinds of categories for these Valves. If we take a look at it in a generalized way, then they can be segregated into the following categories:

  1. Stay under 10-15°C
  2. Stay under 15-17°C
  3. Stay under 18-20°C (around 68°C)
  4. Stay under 21-22°C (approximately 77°C)
  5. Always maximum (valve always open)

The temperature settings in several houses are mostly set to “4”, except for a few that tend to get hotter. Compared with traditional radiator valves that remain open all the time, upgrading to a smart thermostat and an advanced valve is a beneficial and efficient solution to consider. 


Smart radiator thermostat’s long-term energy savings can make them a worthwhile investment in the long run. Still, they require an ideal central heating system that can properly function, and the users can achieve these savings. But separately purchasing them won’t be a perfect solution to continue. So it’s better to upgrade your heating system’s thermostat right away. And for that, we’re here to help you. 

Tado’s exclusive range of Smart Thermostats is created to provide uncompromised quality to your regulators year on year. They efficiently elevate your homes and are suitably responsible for improving the overall health of the residents. So what are you waiting for? Click here to upgrade your home heating systems today.