What is a Vasectomy?

Vasectomy is a minor surgery that stops pregnancy. When you ejaculate it blocks the sperm from reaching your semen. You aren’t able to get pregnant if you don’t have any sperm remaining within your body. It is possible to have an orgasm, or even to ejaculate.

Vasectomy can be done in the office of your vasectomy doctor. This is a standard procedure that will take about 30 minutes. After the procedure it is possible to return back home. This procedure is sometimes referred to as sterilization for males by your physician. It may be referred to as “the snip” by your acquaintances as well as “getting the snipped”.

Conventional vasectomy

To gain access to these tubes the doctor will cut a hole in the scrotum. There will be one tube to each testicle. Each tube is called”vas deferens. The tube is removed by your physician. Each end could be sewn, however, each will be secured by an edging. The doctor may be able to perform both cuts using one cut, or might require another. To close the cut you may require stitches that break down. Every vas deferens marks the point where Sperm cells are unable to be able to reach your body or your sperm.

No-Scalpel vasectomy

The urology specialist Singapore will check for each vas inferens beneath your scrotum. Then, you will utilize a clamp to keep it in the right position. The doctor will cut tiny holes within your skin and make it wide enough to raise Vas Deferens. They’ll then slice it, and then seal it with sewn or seared stitches or both.

What are the Benefits of Vasectomies

The procedures are nearly 100% successful. The tubes could reattach themselves in rare cases. In some cases the tubes may reattach. If this occurs your sperm can quit your body and trigger the birth of a baby.

After the vasectomy, sperm may release for a brief period of time. Be sure to take the follow-up test to ensure that you are aware of the time you can stop by using different methods for birth control. Take a look at a video about vasectomy and the way it performs.

The side effects of a vasectomy Singapore

  • Vasectomy procedures are totally secure. There could be a slight pain and bleeding. This isn’t a common occurrence and rarely causes serious complications. Between 1% and 22% of males experience discomfort that doesn’t go away.
  • Although complications aren’t widespread but they do happen. They are not common; however they can be very serious. If you are experiencing symptoms, consult your physician. There are many possible causes however, they are not common.
  • The sensation or pain in the testicle like pressure, discomfort or the sensation of stinging.
  • Sperm granuloma, also known as Sperm Granuloma mass or swelling that occurs from the leakage of the sperm.
  • Spermatocele, also known as a cyst, gathers sperm inside the tube.
  • Hydrocele is a cyst of fluid surrounding a testicle, which causes swelling in the scrotum.

Vasectomy Benefits

It’s the most effective method of birth control, especially if you aren’t planning having children. It’s also less likely to have your tubes tied (or the tubal closure) and can result in more complications. Insurance companies might cover vasectomy for a single expense.

Don’t be concerned if you’re worried about your sexual urge. The procedure won’t affect the levels of testosterone and climaxes, erections, as well as any other aspects of your sexual life.

Recovery following an Vasectomy

You should rest at least for a day. Within less than a week, you will be completely recuperated. A majority of patients go through the process on Friday, and resume working on the following Monday.

After a couple of weeks, your body will feel stiff. Ice packs are a great option to help reduce pain and swelling.

What is the Cost of a Vasectomy?

In certain states, vasectomies are fully covered by insurance. The cost of vasectomies could be as low as $500, and as high as $2,000. It is possible that you will have to pay an additional fee for your consultation.

How do I determine the ideal time to get sex after vasectomies?

Give it some time. Continue using the birth control method until you get the test to confirm that your sperm-free semen is not present. The test is available after having been through minimum 10-20 Ejaculations after an vasectomy.

If the results show that there are some sperm remaining in the blood, the doctor might request you to come back later for a repeat test. It is only the way to determine whether you’re in the good health.

Is a Vasectomy Safe for STDs?


Is the effects of a Vasectomy could be reversed?

Sometimes. Reversing a vasectomy is challenging and can be a failure. If you’re not certain that you’ll want having children in the near future do not undergo the procedure.

Does Prostate Cancer more likely after having a vasectomy?

It’s a mixed research issue. As per the American Cancer Society, some studies suggest that vasectomies could cause men to be more likely be diagnosed with prostate cancer than other men. However other studies haven’t demonstrated this link.

Recent studies have shown that the appointment with a vasectomy physician does not increase a man’s chances of getting prostate cancer. This shouldn’t be viewed as an excuse to not have one.

Unknown issues

  • Some men fear about the possibility of a vasectomy causing serious issues, but this concern is not true. Vasectomy is not likely to result in:
  • Your sexuality is affected. Vasectomy is not going to affect the sexual drive of your partner or your sexuality. Men have even reported higher sexual satisfaction after a vasectomy.
  • Permanently damage your sexual organs permanently. Surgery is not likely to cause harm to your penis, testicles, as well as any of the other organs. It is, however, likely for your testicle loses its function if there’s an injury to blood supply, it is not common.
  • Your chance of developing certain kinds of cancer. There hasn’t been an established link between vasectomy prostate cancer and the testicular area.
  • Your chance of getting heart disease is high. There isn’t a link to vasectomy and heart conditions and fears of cancer.
  • Can cause severe pain. While you may feel slight discomfort, pulling or tugging after surgery but severe pain is not common. There may be some discomfort after the procedure. However; the majority of men suffer from minor pain which goes in a matter of days.