The Epson WF3630 printer is a dependable and highly recommended printer in the Epson printer line. However, when using the top printers such as the Epson wf3630 printer there are times when certain issues arise. The issues could be related to a printer showing offline modes, as, in this instance, the printer has an Epson Printer error code 0x97.

In this case, you should follow the guidelines that are listed below. Be sure that the instructions are adhered to. If there are any issues with regard to the Epson WF 3630 printer, even the website of the printer is able to be inspected for specifics. You also have the option of calling the customer service department for any issues should they arise.

Sometimes, the Epson WF3630 printer can display a printer error code such Epson printer error code 0x97. In such cases, the easy steps listed below can be implemented.

  1. The first step is to determine the reason the Epson WF3630 printer is showing an error code (0x97). Once the root of the issue is determined, then the issue will be addressed in a straightforward way.
  2. The error message on the Epson WF3630 printer causes the printer to cease working and will not continue printing until the issue with the printer is resolved.
  3. The issue could be because of some internal hardware issues within the Epson wf 3630 printer, as well.
  4. These could include simple problems that can be resolved through the actions following.
  5. However, sometimes the Epson printer error code 0x97 can be caused by more serious issues like the motherboard getting damaged or inaccessible for a long time. In cases that are more serious, like this, ensure that you either get the issue fixed by a professional or change the Epson WF 3630 printer’s hardware that needs to be repaired.

How do I solve Epson WF 3630 printer error code 0397?

  1. In the beginning, you must ensure to download error patch 0x97 on the site of the Epson printer. It is the first step in fixing the error on your printer in the Epson WF3630 printer.
  2. You must now restart your computer and log in as an administrator. You then need to head over to the options for accessories and then restore your printer back to its earlier date.
  3. After that, you will be able to access the authentication option, and then select the next option and make sure to click OK.
  4. After this procedure has been completed, you must only access your system once it has been restarted completely. It is important to use the Epson WF 3630 printer too.

Many times, this error message 0x97 may be displayed on the Epson wf3630 printer because of other causes as well. Apart from the explanations given, there is a possibility of the printer’s head becoming filthy and unclean, leading to the error message that is displayed on the Epson WF 3630 printer. To fix this, you will need to follow the instructions in the following steps:

  1. First, make sure to switch off the printer’s power source before opening the ink cartridge of your printer.
  2. After you’ve done this, ensure that you take all cartridges and printer components. Epson WF3630 printer.
  3. After that, you can clean the cartridges using an uncluttered cloth. Make sure it is delicate.
  4. Let them dry before reinstalling them.

Fix an Error Code 344

There are many options to take. Be sure to follow the steps below to resolve this issue.

  1. The first thing to do is make sure you turn off this process bit before attempting to complete the Faxing is easier when connection lines are more reliable.
  2. Sometimes, the connection lines to your phone aren’t working correctly and you need to patiently wait. It will be out until it is working to function.
  3. There are many support lines available for your printer You can ensure that you dial them.
  4. Inform them of the people who help you with your Error Code 344 Printer issues. This could help you solve the issue.
  5. The connection lines may have been damaged or interrupted, resulting in an error Code 344.
  6. Be sure to have your connections verified and redesigned before you use them for the first time. Try using another connection line, if accessible.
  7. Another thing you could accomplish to resolve the issue with Error Code 344 is to Alter the settings as well as the speed and then fax once more.
  8. It is possible that due to un-updated issues, you will encounter the problem of Error Code as a result. Check the driver of your printer and then repair it.
  9. What you must do is need to update your driver software for your printer. It is important to ensure that this update is completed and it could help you to fix the Error Code 344.