Surprisingly, we do not emphasize healthy feet as we do other areas of our body. “Healthy feet are crucial for mobility in your lifetime” foot wellness center Cypress TX. Keeping the feet healthy should be among the daily routine goals to be kept. Your feet contribute to the quality of your life. A painful leg or foot can be devasting health-wise and mentally because it will affect your daily routine and productivity level. You may also experience emotional uncertainty such as anxiety, depression, and loss of confidence. At some point in everyone’s life, they experience foot problems which lead them to a foot and ankle specialist near Cypress TX. Foot care is washing and checking the feet (yours or another person’s feet). The feet are checked before, during, and after foot care,it ensures that feet conditions and problems are prevented before they become worse. Foot care is essential for people with diabetes or those who have poor blood flow because of other health issues.

Washing of the feet

  • Wear gloves when caring for another person.
  • Using the right tools, trim the toenails straight across.
  • Have warm water in a large basin or bathtub. The water should not be too hot or too cold.
  • Put a towel under the feet to be cleaned or anything that will act as a waterproof pad.
  • Wash thoroughly the entire foot paying special attention in between the toes. Avoid too strong soap such as antibacterial soaps as they may cause skin irritation and dryness.
  • Rinse with warm water.
  • Gently dry the feet including between the toes then rub lotion on the feet. Do not apply between the toes.
  • Prop your feet up when sitting or a simple foot massage that will stimulate blood flow. The will promote circulation in your feet.


  • Wear shoes that have plenty of room for your toes and provide enough cushioning and support for the feet.
  • Give the footwear time to dry out completely by alternating them. It lowers the risk of fungal contamination.
  • Avoid socks that make it difficult for the feet to be oxygenated and prevent nutrient-carrying blood reach your feet and toes; avoid socks with a tight elastic top.

How to check the feet?

Take a seat and have a mirror with you. Check the top, bottom, in-between the toes, and around the toenails. Move the mirror to the bottom of the feet and look at them more closely. Foot check should be conducted after exercise, after any walking, or at the end of the day. Contact a podiatrist when you notice any changes to your feet, pain, discolorations, lumps, persistent wounds, or you have concerns about your feet. Early interventions are always great for complete recovery.

What to look for

  • Inspect for any skin color changes, such as redness.
  • Check for sores or tenderness.

Through touch check for numbness, swollen feet, burning, or tingling sensations.