Throughout this post we will try to solve the most frequent questions about abdominoplasty in Delhi that are usually asked in the consultation.
All these issues and others that we have should always be discussed before this plastic surgery.
How long does the surgery take?
Approximately two to three hours.
It should be remembered that between the departure to the OT and the return should not be taken as the duration of the surgery.
Therefore, what is the surgical procedure is this that we indicate. It can take longer if combined with other procedures.
Can you use an epidural?
Abdominoplasty is usually done with general anesthesia, although in moderate cases it could be done if circumstances allow it with local anesthesia and sedation.
Being a long procedure, plastic surgeon in Delhi recommend general anesthesia for both our comfort and that of the patient.
Are tummy tucks and liposuction the same?
The tummy tuck in Delhi is intended to correct a loose abdomen. This is the main objective, so a specific technique is used for it.
Sometimes it happens that in addition to flaccidity there is excess fat. And that is when you have to resort to liposuction.
This is only used to eliminate excess fat, and is not only practiced on the gut. It is also used in other parts of the body such as double chin, arms or cartridge belts.
Abdominoplasty in Delhi is the intervention that is performed when there is excess skin and fat in the abdomen. A liposuction would aggravate the loss of redundant skin over the pubis. The skin tone, the amount of fat and the quality of the skin will make us recommend one or another intervention.
How is excess skin removed? Will the scar be visible?
There are different techniques and this influences the scar. The most common is a horizontal line that passes over the pubic hair, and extends from one hip to the other. This shape has been widely used with the use of the bikini, but currently we use a W-shape, which is better adapted to the current fashion of underwear and swimsuits, and leaves a better scar.
When the excess of tissues is great, the removal of the skin of the lower abdomen is total, in this case a reimplantation of the navel is carried out.
In cases where the defect is not very marked, a lesser technique can be performed, called miniabdominoplasty, with less skin resection and generally combined with liposuction in Delhi. The application of one or the other depends on the characteristics of each particular case.
If you have scars on the abdomen, can you have surgery?
If you have scars from previous operations and they are in the lower half of the belly there is no problem, in fact they can be removed during the operation. However, if they are located in the upper half then abdominoplasty is contraindicated.

What risks does it have?
When it comes to surgery, the risks exist. Bleeding, infection, and poor healing are some of the negative effects that can occur.
Occasionally, seromas appear or a small piece of skin is lost at the incision line. Very rarely, patients experience abdominal pain that lasts longer than the usual period. In other rare cases, blood clots form in the patient’s legs.
Remember that this information is intended to help you make an informed decision.
Before surgery, plastic surgeon will indicate the complete series of risks. Although tummy tuck is considered a very safe procedure, all decisions regarding this surgery must be made carefully.
If you want to get pregnant again, can you have a tummy tuck?
It is advisable that if you plan to have new pregnancies, you do so before surgery.
Anyway, once operated, you can have more children although the result of the intervention may be altered.
What requirements must the patient meet?
Most people who have become obese and then lost weight often have a residue of skin and fat left on the abdomen.
Fortunately, this condition can be corrected with a tummy tuck, which is a procedure that removes not only excess skin from the abdomen. But also that of the flanks, on the sides of the waist, and excess skin in the lower part of the abdomen.
Abdominoplasty is often recommended by plastic surgeon in Rohini after pregnancy, too. And in those people who for various reasons have a flaccid area and want to improve it.
What effect does tobacco have on the result?
Due to the great extension of the detachment and the dimensions of the area that is normally practiced in this type of intervention. It is important that smoking patients stop smoking at least three weeks before the operation.
The reason for this is that tobacco causes an alteration of the microcirculation that can seriously compromise the final result.
Will I be able to do sit-ups again?
One month after the surgery, you will be able to recover normal physical activity. The incorporation of abdominals should be gradual, like that of any other exercise.
Do lax or open abdominal muscles have a solution?
One of the muscular bands of the body is the so-called “rectus abdominis”. Which is the area that allows us to carry out movements such as the so-called “abdominals”.
Made up of two parts, these muscles are attached from the sternal bone and ribs to the pubic bone, forming an internal system that firmly supports the abdomen.
During pregnancy, these muscles separate to allow the baby to grow. After birth, these muscles often remain separated. Making it impossible to firm the lower abdomen with exercise, diet, or other non-surgical means.
With abdominoplasty, this condition, called diastasis recti abdominis, is treated by bringing the muscles back together and restoring their strength and tone.
Is the scar from the abdominoplasty or dermolipectomy large?
The scar from a tummy tuck depends on the patient, the problem to be treated, the technique used and the quality of the skin.
The scar that remains will always be hidden by the clothing or swimsuit chosen.
Will I have a lot of pain?
During the first days, the abdomen is swollen and you will have some discomfort that is controlled with medication and rest.
You will also have a limitation of mobility, which will be prolonged in time. According to the magnitude of the muscular reinforcement and to each patient in particular.
Does a tummy tuck remove stretch marks?
Stretch marks represent a big problem for many patients.
Depending on the distribution of the marks across the abdominal skin, most if not all of them can be removed during a tummy tuck.
This is because the skin of the lower abdomen (the exact place where stretch marks tend to concentrate) is removed during the procedure.