Many questions arise in the mind while thinking about wheelchair access. One of the most puzzling questions that most people ask is whether the handicap ramps built should be permanent or temporary. But it is advisable that temporary handicapped ramps should be installed. This is so because the need is temporary for use at one’s home. Many times ramps are built to fulfill the need for a short time, such as a parent coming to life, or a child breaking their limbs, or a stroller needs support inside and outside of the home. All these are temporary situations in which once the need is over, life comes back to normal, and the pathway into the house does not need to be ramp form.

What are Permanent Handicapped Ramps? 

Permanently handicapped ramps are a beautiful annexation to any deck and porch building if the need is there. Suppose the person is going to live in his or her home for a long time and needs a handicap ramp, then it can be built to blend right in with the home’s exterior, using metal or wood as the material to build the ramp. Nevertheless, once a handicapped ramp is in place, you cannot pick it up and move it. It does not go with you. This is one of the best reasons people will choose to install temporary ramps.

What are Temporary Ramps? 

These ramps are made out of lightweight metals. As a result, they are transferrable from one place to another. These ramps are available in two basic models: short and long. The one you choose for your handicapped ramp will be based on your personal need. Shorter ramps are more portable than longer ones, though the longer ones can be transformed into small sections. Moreover, be aware the shorter the ramp, the greater the angle from point A to point B. This can be frightening while talking about boarding and deboarding the car with an empty wheelchair. It is more difficult to get the wheelchair back up into the vehicle because of the steeper slope.

Which Ramp is More Desirable? 

Permanently handicapped ramps are more desirable than temporary handicap ramps. Regarding prices, they are costlier than shorter ramps, but the more places that you can access will be worth spending for you. They are still durable and strong. Some of the portable and temporary ramps can fold down to the size of a large suitcase and can withstand up to a hundred pounds.

Another place where you may peep into temporary handicap access is the entry point in your residence. These barriers, which are not more than two to three inches, can be a big pain for a wheelchair to climb over. For situations, it is recommended that you purchase small temporary handicapped ramps or threshold ramps, depending on the size of the threshold.


By now, it must be clear to you which type of ramp is better for your deck and porch building. Know about them in detail and choose the ramp that can be more useful.