Health benefits of shilajit

1.Heart Health

Those with heart problems or hypotension should avoid shilajit since it lowers blood pressure.

Shilajit may also help to preserve and improve the health of the heart. Shilajit possesses heart-protective properties, according to new rat research.

Animals administered shilajit before cardiac injury had less heart damage than those not given shilajit.

It’s crucial to remember that shilajit can lower blood pressure in some people, so it’s not a good idea to take it if you have a heart issue.


Excess weight can exhaust muscles and put a strain on the bones. Obese persons who took an oral supplement of pure shilajit responded better to exercise than those who did not, according to research published in the Journal of Medicinal Food Trusted Source.

According to the researchers, the shilajit appeared to trigger genes in the body that helped the skeletal muscles adapt to the new activity rapidly. Over time, this might result in decreased tiredness and more strength.

3.Testosterone and male fertility

Shilajit has also been researched for its ability to boost male fertility. In one research, 60 infertile men were given shilajit twice a day for 90 days.

Almost half of the men who finished the therapy exhibited a rise in total sperm count and sperm motility, or how many and how effectively sperm migrate towards the egg, both of which are important in male fertility.

Another study trusted Source looked examined shilajit’s capacity to boost testosterone levels in healthy people. For 90 days, men between the ages of 45 and 55 were administered shilajit. Researchers discovered substantial increases in total testosterone levels at the end of the study period.

How to use shilajit?

Shilajit powder can be dissolved in water or milk and consumed.

Shilajit comes as a powder or as a liquid supplement that you may mix with milk or water.

Depending on the packaging directions, a pea-sized quantity of shilajit can be dissolved in liquid and consumed up to three times each day.

Shilajit is taken in doses of 300 to 500 mg per day.

The source you can trust. However, before using any natural supplements, a person should consult with a doctor.