With the hazards of traditional medications and vaccinations becoming more widely known, and the pharmaceutical industry’s renowned inclination to prioritize profits above people’s health, many disillusioned people are experimenting with alternative medicine. Unfortunately, the seas of alternative medicine have become a breeding ground for con artists and charlatans. Take the time to educate yourself before deciding if homeopathy (or tissue salts) are good for you. That’s the wonderful thing about knowledge: it’s completely harmless. In this essay, I will try to explain what homeopathy is and how it works as briefly as possible.


In contrast to its present image as an alternative “new age” treatment, homeopathy has a lengthy and rich history dating back to the seventeenth century. Homeopathy has been practiced by many notable and important people, including Charles Darwin and the English Royal Family. It was employed to great effect during the 1918 flu epidemic. To put it simply, there are two principles in homeopathy. The first principle is “Like Cures Like,” which states that drugs that induce symptoms in a healthy person will treat those symptoms in a sick one. There are several ideas as to why this is so, yet it is easily witnessed outside of homeopathy. As an example, the medication Ritalin will cause hyperactivity in a normal kid but will benefit a youngster who already has hyperactivity. If a person went to a homeopath for aid with a runny nose, the homeopath would search for a remedy that induces runny noses in healthy individuals. It might be potentized onion extract. The second premise is dilution and potentisation, which is why homeopathy is so contentious. Ritalin may assist with hyperactivity, but its poisonous nature comes with a slew of negative side effects. Throughout history, the great objective of physicians has been to cure without causing damage, and homeopathy claims to offer the solution.

Tiny Doses, Big Impact

A homeopath may place a drop of material in a hundred drops of water, shake it (or “succuss” it in the vernacular), place another drop of that solution in another hundred drops of water, succuss it again, and so on, up to several thousand times. People find it difficult to accept homeopathy since there will eventually be no molecular trace of the original chemical remaining. How can it possibly assist if there is nothing there? This is a difficult question to answer. Homeopathy has a solid track record when it comes to illness treatment. Something is going on. However, no one knows for certain how it works. For thousands of years, it has been hypothesized that all matter is surrounded by energy fields and that these energy fields respond to particular stimuli. Have you ever observed how quickly joyful and optimistic individuals recover from illness, but so many people get unwell as a consequence of severe emotional stress (such as a divorce)? And have you heard that individuals may experience health benefits even after being given blank placebo tablets (i.e., their bodies have been deceived into mending themselves)? The health of a body is a multifaceted beast. We have a good understanding of certain components (such as the immune system), while others are still a mystery to us.

No Chemicals, but Energy

It is thought that by succussing a homeopathic medicine, you may imprint part of the original substance’s energy trace on a blank water solution. As a result, the remedy’s impact is retained while the hazardous substances are removed. You are free to accept or reject this, but if it is accurate, it is the most significant medical discovery since Pascal’s germ theory. Homeopathy cannot overdose. A few grams of the medicine may be used to make thousands of cures. The ramifications are infinite. Homeopathy is a complex and interesting medical technique. There may be whole libraries dedicated to writing about it. If you want to learn more about this topic, I recommend you check out Homeopathy Plus’s free lessons.