Children achieve developmental milestones at their own pace. While minor, temporary delays should not be considered alarming, an ongoing delay or multiple delays can cause problems later in life. Developmental delay is when you are not able to reach milestones in language, thinking and motor skills.

Many factors can cause developmental delay, including genetic, pregnancy problems, or premature births. It is not always clear what causes it.

Fine and gross motor skills delay: Fine motor skills are small movements such as holding a toy or drawing with a crayon. Gross motor skills involve more complex movements like jumping, climbing stairs or throwing a football.

Although children progress at different rates, most children can lift their heads by three months, stand up by six months, and walk by their second birthday. Most children can throw a ball overhand by age 5 and ride a tricycle or tricycle.

If your child displays any of these symptoms, it could indicate that he or she is having difficulty with fine and gross motor functions.

  •  Unstable trunk or limbs
  •  Tight hands and legs
  •  Very limited movement of arms and legs
  •  Must be able to sit with support after 9 months.
  •  Voluntary movements are dominated by involuntary reflexes
  •  Can’t support weight and can’t stand for more than one year.

Although it is not always a cause of concern, a fall outside the normal range should be considered. If your child is having difficulty performing tasks within the timeframe, talk to your doctor.

Speech and language delay: Speech and language delays are the most active times to learn speech and language. This is because the brain develops and matures during the first three years.

When an infant starts crying out for food, the language learning process begins. Most infants recognize basic sounds by 6 months of age. Infants should be able to say simple words at 12-15 months of age, even if they’re not clear. By the age of 18 months, most toddlers can understand just a few words. Most children can speak in a few sentences by the time they turn 13 years old.

Language delay and speech are two different things. To speak, one must have muscle coordination in the vocal tract, tongue and lips. A speech delay is a condition in which a child has trouble producing the right sounds or stutters. Praxia of speech is a disorder that causes it to be difficult to combine syllables to form words.

Language disorder is a condition in which children have trouble understanding the language of others and are unable to express themselves. Language can be spoken, written, signed, and gestured.

A hearing test can be performed to diagnose poor hearing. Visit your URL now to get the best homoeopathic treatment.

Autism spectrum disorder: A neurological disorder that affects the ability of a child to communicate with other people and hurt their social interactions. Language delay and intellectual disabilities are common symptoms of classic autism. Sometimes symptoms are obvious at birth, but they may not become apparent until the child is 2 or 3.

Autism symptoms vary but include difficulty communicating with others, delayed speech and language skills. Each child has a different pattern of behaviour, with different severity levels. 

Some of the symptoms are:

  •  Failing to reply to their names
  •  Refrain from cuddling or playing alongside others
  •  Facial expressions are not displayed.
  •  Can’t speak, has difficulty speaking, can carry on a conversation, remember words and sentences.
  •  Performs repetitive movements
  •  Creates routines
  •  Problems with coordination


Between the ages of 3 and 17, approximately 15% of children have a developmental disability. While most developmental disabilities are present before birth, some may occur after birth due, for example, to infection, injury, or any other factor.

It can be hard to determine the cause of developmental delay and many factors can play a role. Some conditions, such as Down syndrome, are genetic. Developmental delay can also be caused by infection or other problems during pregnancy, childbirth, and even premature birth.

Sometimes, the developmental delay may also be a sign of other medical conditions such as:

  •  Autism spectrum disorders
  •  Cerebral palsy
  •  Fetal alcohol spectrum disorders
  •  Landau-Kleffner syndrome
  •  Myopathies, including muscular dystrophies
  •  Genetic disorders, such as Down syndrome or fragile X syndrome


Homoeopathy is an emerging system that is used around the world. Its strength lies in its holistic approach to the sick person, which promotes inner balance at all levels, including spiritual, mental, and physical. There are many effective remedies for developmental delay in Homoeopathy. However, the choice depends on the patient’s individuality and the severity of their physical and mental symptoms.

CALCAREA CARBONICA: Calcarea carb can be used to treat developmental problems. It is especially effective for children with a reddish complexion, flabby skin, and who are prone to colds. Difficulty and delayed dentition. Sleeping with excessive sweating, particularly in the head and chest.

CALCAREA PHOSPHORICA –Calcareaphos is another great remedy for mental and physical development. It’s great for children who are unable to stand or slow to learn to walk. Children with sunken, flabby stomachs are more likely to have brittle bones. Fontanelles and sutures can be too long or too short. Complex and delayed teething. Flatulent complaints and diarrhoea in children. Every time they try to eat, there is a colicky pain in their abdomen. Poor nutrition can lead to fractures and growing pains. They also often have enlarged glands.

CARCINOSIN: Carcinosin halted the child’s growth. Dwarfishness. Malformations and mongolism. Disturbed sleep in children. Children want to be carried. Children sleep on their elbows and knees. They are susceptible to severe infections and recurrent episodes.

BARYTA CORBONICA: Baryta Carbonica is for dwarfish, scrofulous children who don’t grow. They are mentally and physically weak. Baryta carb is known to cause nutritional disturbances. Children are afraid of strangers. They hide behind furniture, keeping their hands crossed over their faces and looking through their fingers. They can easily get colds, sore throats, and other glandular disorders. They are more likely to have indurations and enlargements of the glands, particularly their tonsils. A swollen tonsil is a common symptom. Another sign is a large abdomen in children. Other symptoms include profuse, oily sweating on the feet and other signs.

AETHUSA CYNAPIUM: Aethusa Cynapium is the best remedy for Children with no specific ailment who are unable to raise their heads without assistance. Lack of strength to stand. Aethusa Cyapium is known for its inability to digest milk. Diarrhoea when drinking milk. It is a condition in which the body cannot tolerate milk of any kind. The large curds that are produced from it, as well as weakness and drowsiness, can be vomited. Crying, anguish and expressions of discomfort and discontent.

NATRUM MURIATICUM: Natrum children are malnourished due to digestive problems. They are often irritable, angry, and talk late. Living well despite emaciation Emaciation, descending neck or abdomen. Most notable is neck emaciation.

SILICEA: Silicea can be used to treat developmental delays in children who are scrofulous and rachitic, or have large heads. Imperfect assimilation can lead to poor nutrition. Sutures can be seen in open fontanelles. Slow to learn how to walk, weak ankles. Hot abdomen, distended. But, there is less sweating than Calcarea carb. Infuriating sweating on feet and axillae.

TUBERCULINUM: Tuberculinum can also be used to treat development delays. The child will become emaciated quickly and lose weight while still eating well. Tuberculinum is known for its strong ability to catch colds easily, without knowing where or how to do it. The child seems to get cold every time he breathes in the fresh air. They are physically and mentally weak. Tuberculinum is most commonly manifested by excessive sweating at night. Recurrent upper respiratory tract infections can also be a problem in children, as well as night fever.