If there is one thing that utility companies like electric companies still utilize to notify electricity fees for their consumers is the use of bill mails. But since the start of the COVID-19 outbreak, mailing bills directly to their consumers becomes an issue for them.

As it becomes a hassle for them, some of their consumers receive their bills late and ask for a payment extension for the month of the billing they receive. And because of that, electric companies are losing money quicker than usual.

Since losing money for current importation and maintenance could increase the chance of business foreclosure for electric companies, the need to make billing alternatives is stressed by many financing firms.

Why utility companies should have a paperless billing system?

Here are three reasons why utility companies should start utilizing the use of a paperless billing system:

  1. It poses no viable household threat to your consumers

While the paper is a great medium for consumers to keep tabs on the utility bills they pay throughout their period of usage, piling up papers in your stock room can inevitably become a fire hazard for them.

  1. Reduces Printing Cost

While giving out physical usage bills for them is great, the cost of printing and sending it out for them just increases over time. Especially now that many industries are affected by the pandemic, spending funds for printing and utilizing the use of paper is not economical for you.

  1. Narrows down billing delays

As paper can bring great risk due to many people handling it as it travels to the consumers, going paperless means that the bill goes straight from the company audit department down to the consumers through email or MMS.

Aside from sending an email to the recipient companies can utilize the use of a QR code generator online to create a password-encrypted electric bill QR code to deliver a secure billing statement for their consumers.

How can electric companies boost their paperless billing systems with QR codes?

Utility companies like electric companies can start utilizing the use of QR codes in their paperless billing systems in three notable ways.

Password encrypted QR code billing statements

As important billing is for the company and its consumers, having a password QR code for their electronic billing statement means that they honor their consumer’s right to protect their data. By doing this, electric companies can ensure their consumers can protect their billing information online.

Medium for Online Payments

Since in-person payment is highly discouraged due to the COVID-19 pandemic, the future of paying utility bills is now highly focused on contactless payment methods like online fund transfers.

And to not confuse consumers where they can pay their bills online, electricity companies can integrate the use of QR codes to store all the payment modes for their consumers to choose to and pay.

Tracking Consumer Payment History

Consumers can use QR codes to track their payment history with one scan. And for that to be a feature to function fully, electricity companies can securely integrate their billing database with the use of a credible and secure QR code generator online.

Through this, they can ensure that the QR code generator they partner with also values their reputation and dedication to serve their customers with the best service they can offer.


Since the pandemic abruptly disrupts many industry’s business operating systems, the option for going paperless quickens.

But as their sudden employment for going paperless gives them little time to plan and work it out well, different business industries have a hard time figuring out how to introduce their new operating and billing systems to their customers.

To remedy the issue, companies like electricity companies can utilize the use of a QR code generator with logo online to create customized QR codes for billing and payment systems for consumers to scan and pay instantly.