Since our environment is changing and not all birds can keep up, understanding the reasons for extinction and how to help birds survive those threats is a fantastic strategy to encourage bird conservation before more species disappear. Birds like Female Steller Jay, Blue Jaybird, and Anna’s Hummingbird are migrating to more urban areas in search of food and secure locations to breed due to deforestation and a lack of food sources.

So, when we talk about saving endangered species like the Summer Tanager, Elf Owl, Carolina Chickadee, Bald Eagle size, and Atlantic Puffin, it’s not just for their own sake, but also everyone else. Our priority should be to conserve the birds and their species, and the second priority is to safeguard their ecosystems. We caneven undo the current falling population of endangered birds from the list with plenty of labor and attention in execution. Let us view a few options for doing so:

Natural pest control is the option.
Many bird species, such as Female Steller Jay and Carolina Chickadee, prey on smaller rodents and animals for their food. These rats eat cereals and grains that they find out in the open. Some birds eat the same grains as humans. However, pest-controlling chemicals can be used to interfere with these avian food sources. This means that any bird that eats bugs or grains and meets the toxin slowly collects deadly levels of it in its bloodstreams. These can be prevented through natural pest control methods.

Stop Illegally buying birds.
There are various endangered bird species like the Blue Jay bird, Anna’s Hummingbird, etc. Due to their scarcity, they all command high black market prices. Poachers are encouraged to continue decimating already vulnerable populations by buying these birds as pets, boosting the market, and providing an incentive for them to do so.

Trash should be deposited in the specified bins.
Birds are often interested in the waste humans make. When you throw things out in the open, birds will try to consume anything you have thrown out. This includes items like paper and gleaming plastic beads. This may hurt the birds or cause diseases and infections. It also puts the birds in danger of being attacked by other animals as they search for food. Putting waste in improper places reduces the likelihood of these occurring issues.

Plastic items should be avoided.
Many birds confuse the plastic debris we discard for food and try to eat it. This is dangerous for them because the components are indigestible and can cause digestive problems and even death in the birds. By proper disposal of garbage in covered bins and avoiding plastics, there are fewer chances that birds may be killed.

We can do many things to save Summer Tanager, Elf Owl,and other endangered species of birds from annihilation. For example, we can start by building small habitats for birds, bird feeders, and baths, which can be used to attract endangered species and provide them with food, water, and shelter. This boosts the population of the species in the area and encourages additional birds to settle so that they can breed with the other birds in the area. This kind of gratitude can be spread among individuals, helping to increase awareness of the birds’ condition and enlisting support in any way possible to protect species like Atlantic Puffin and Bald Eagle from being endangered.