The SBC global email is one of the finest in the emailing world and is used by millions of people from around the globe. 

It offers tons of great features and filters along with a great user interface, but it also has some errors that say “SBC global email is not working” are becoming quite common. 

In today’s blog, we will be talking about some simple steps to fix this issue.

Steps to fix SBC global email on iPhone error

  1. You can try to restart your device to see if that resolves the error.

  2. You can try to re-add or login to your SBC global email account as that may also fix this error.

  3. Make sure of the fact that you are entering the mail password correctly.

  4. You also need to clear the reserve data from your device.

  5. You also need to keep in mind to select the SSL verification in case you want to approach an active server.

  6. You also need to make sure of the fact that you configure the settings correctly on your iPhone.

You can use these steps to fix the SBC global not working issue with relative ease.

For any further info, you may seek help from the support center of SBC global.