Hair loss sufferers constantly look for an effective solution to reverse their hair fall. Hair transplants are widely used to complete the receding hairline. However, there are a few things that disturb the patients.

Firstly, it is the treatment itself and secondly, it is how to find a reputable hair transplant surgeon who performs the surgery meticulously. Precision in a procedure is foremost for life-changing outcomes.

Therefore, this article is based on the details that will help you to find a reputable surgeon for your hair transplant.

What are hair transplant procedures?

Hair transplant techniques are surgical methods to fill bald patches on one’s scalp. Mainly, the procedure involves grafting of hair follicles. The surgeon extracts hair follicles from one place and implants them into the other in the scalp.

The two types of transplants that have been used by hair specialist in Islamabad are:

  • Follicular Unit Transplant: The surgeon removes a patch of skin from the donor area. Next, hair follicles are detached from it and implanted in the affected areas on the scalp.
  • Follicular Unit Extraction: Hair follicles are individually removed from the donor location with the help of a tool. Then the hair follicles are seeded into the scalp on required parts.

The points that distinguish both the techniques are:

  • FUT involves the removal of a skin patch while FUE extracts follicles one by one.
  • FUT yields a large and obvious scar, while FUE produces unnoticeable scars.
  • The scar in the FUT method is closed with stitches.
  • Recovery time is longer in FUT due to a bigger scar.

The patients and the hair specialist in Lahore prefer FUE over FUT due to the smaller scar size and the lower risk of infection, even though it takes longer to complete.

Where should I get my procedure done? How do I find a reputable hair transplant surgeon?

Selecting the right person and place for any surgical procedure is not a piece of cake. Similarly, in this case, when you have to look for a promising and reputable hair transplant surgeon, a lot of effort is required.

Firstly, you have to research this when you consider the treatment. The next level is to follow these points:

  • Visit the best hair specialist in Karachi and discuss with him the pros and cons of the treatment.
  • Express your fears and concerns about the treatment.
  • If you get satisfactory answers, ask for a maximum number of his previous patients before and after photos.
  • Make sure the photos of people you are shown were actually treated by the same doctor.
  • If possible, visit the previously treated patients of the hair specialist. Moreover, you can request the number of the former patients so that you can get reviews regarding the surgeon and his team.
  • Request to have a look at the equipment that will be used and make sure the technology in practice is the latest.
  • Seek a second opinion and visit one or more hair specialists regarding the treatment.
  • You can ask the surgeon how many transplants he’s done before? Both FUE and FUT.
  • Check to see if the clinic and the surgeon you have chosen have a decent medical record and no complaint filed against him. Furthermore, if the previous patients are pleased and delighted with the results.

These are a few things you should be aware of. However, it is vital to remember that the treatment has a distinct influence and outcome for each individual. Furthermore, a reputable hair specialist doctor in Karachi would do his best and perform the surgery meticulously and precisely.